soid access state description pktcMtaDevEndPntCount read-only current This object contains the number of physical endpoints forthis MTA. pktcMtaDevEnabled read-write current This object controls the activation of the MTA voiceservices. If this object is set to 'true', the voiceservice is enabled. Otherwise, it is disabled. pktcMtaDevTypeIdentifier read-only current This object provides the MTA device type identifier. Thevalue of this object must be a copy of the DHCP option 60value exchanged between the MTA and the DHCP server. pktcMtaDevProvisioningState read-only current This object indicates the completion state of the MTA device provisioning process. The object value is sent as part of the final SNMP INFORM (step 25 of the MTA provisioning process). Refer to the MTA Device Provisioning Specification for the definition of the provisioning states. pktcMtaDevHttpAccess read-only current This object indicates whether the HTTP protocol is supported for the MTA configuration file transfer. pktcMtaDevProvisioningTimer read-write current This object enables setting the duration of the provisioning timeout timer. The timer covers the provisioning sequence from step MTA-1 to step MTA-23. The value is in minutes and setting the timer to '0' disables this timer. pktcMtaDevErrorOidsTable not-accessible current This table contains the list of configuration errors or warnings the MTA encountered when parsing theconfiguration file it received from the provisioning server. For each error, an entry is created in this tablecontaining the configuration parameters the MTA rejectedand the associated reason (e.g. wrong or unknown OID, inappropriate object values, etc.). If the MTA did not report a provisioning state of 'pass(1)' inthe pktcMtaDevProvisioningState object, this table MUST bepopulated for each error or warning instance. Even ifdifferent parameters share the same error type (e.g., allrealm name configuration parameters are invalid), allobserved errors or warnings must be reported as different instances. Errors are placed into the table in no particular order. The table MUST be cleared each time the MTA reboots. pktcMtaDevErrorOidsEntry not-accessible current This entry contains the necessary information the MTA MUSTattempt to provide in case of configuration file errors orwarnings. pktcMtaDevErrorOidIndex not-accessible current This object is the index of the MTA configuration error table. It is an integer value which starts at value '1'and is incremented for each encountered configuration file error or warning. pktcMtaDevErrorOid read-only current This object contains a human readable representation(character string) of the OID corresponding to theconfiguration file parameter that caused the particularerror.For example, if the value of the pktcMtaDevEnabled objectin the configuration file caused an error, then thisobject instance will contain the human readable string of'.'.************************************************************* NOTES TO RFC Editor (to be removed prior to publication) ** ** Please replace XXX with the IANA-assigned number under ** mib-2.****If the MTA generated an error because it was not able to recognize a particular OID, then this object instance would contain an empty value (zero-lengthstring).For example, if the value of an OID in the configuration file was interpreted by the MTA as being ., and the MTA was not able to recognize this OID as a valid one,this object instance will contain a zero-length string. pktcMtaDevErrorValue read-only current This object contains the value of the OID corresponding tothe configuration file parameter that caused the error.If the MTA cannot recognize the OID of theconfiguration parameter causing the error, then thisobject instance contains the OID itself as interpretedby the MTA in human readable representation.If the MTA can recognize the OID but generate an error dueto a wrong value of the parameter, then the objectinstance contains the erroneous value of the parameter asread from the configuration file.In both cases, the value of this object must berepresented in human readable form as a character string.For example, if the value of the pktcMtaDevEnabled objectin the configuration file was 3 (invalid value), then thepktcMtaDevErrorValue object instance will contain thehuman readable (string) representation of value '3'.Similarly, if the OID in the configuration file has beeninterpreted by the MTA as being ., and the MTAcannot recognize this OID as a valid one, then thispktcMtaDevErrorValue object instance will contain humanreadable (string) representation of value '.' pktcMtaDevErrorReason read-only current This object indicates the reason for the error or warning,as per the MTA's interpretation, in human readable form. Example of possible reason values are:'VALUE NOT IN RANGE', 'VALUE DOES NOT MATCH TYPE', 'UNSUPPORTED VALUE', 'LAST 4 BITS MUST BE SET TO ZERO', 'OUT OF MEMORY - CANNOT STORE', etc.This object may also contain vendor specific errors forprivate vendor OIDs and any proprietary error codes or messages which can help diagnose configuration errors. pktcMtaDevServerAddressType read-write current This object contains the Internet address type for thePacketCable servers specified in MTA MIB. pktcMtaDevServerDhcp1 read-only current This object contains the Internet Address of the primaryDHCP server the MTA uses during provisioning.The type of this address is determined by the value ofthe pktcMtaDevServerAddressType object. When the latter has the value 'ipv4(1)', this object contains the dotted IP address of the primary DHCPserver. It is provided by the CM to the MTA via the DHCP option code 122 sub-option 1 as defined in RFC 3495. The behavior of this object when the value ofpktcMtaDevServerAddressType is other than 'ipv4(1)'is not presently specified, but may be specifiedin future versions of this MIB module.If this object is of value '', the MTA MUST stop all provisioning attempts as well as all other activities.If this object is of value '', it meansthere was no preference given for the primary DHCP server, and, the MTA must follow the logic of RFC2131 and the value of DHCP option 122 sub-option 2 must be ignored. pktcMtaDevServerDhcp2 read-only current This object contains the Internet Address of the secondaryDHCP server the MTA uses during provisioning.The type of this address is determined by the value ofthe pktcMtaDevServerAddressType object. When the latter has the value 'ipv4(1)', this object contains the dotted IP address of the secondary DHCP server. It is provided by the CM to the MTA via the DHCP option code 122 sub-option 2 as defined in RFC 3495.The behavior of this object when the value ofpktcMtaDevServerAddressType is other than 'ipv4(1)'is not presently specified, but may be specifiedin future versions of this MIB module.If there was no secondary DHCP server provided in DHCP Option 122 sub-option 2, this object must return the value ''. pktcMtaDevServerDns1 read-write current This object contains the IP Address of the primaryDNS server to be used by the MTA. The type of this address is determined by the value of the pktcMtaDevServerAddressType object. When the latter has the value 'ipv4(1)', this object contains the dotted IP address of the primary DNS server. As defined in RFC 2132, PacketCable compliant MTAs receivethe IP addresses of the DNS Servers in the DHCP option 6.The behavior of this object when the value ofpktcMtaDevServerAddressType is other than 'ipv4(1)'is not presently specified, but may be specifiedin future versions of this MIB module. pktcMtaDevServerDns2 read-write current This object contains the IP Address of the secondaryDNS server to be used by the MTA. The type of this address is determined by the value of thepktcMtaDevServerAddressType object. When the latter has the value 'ipv4(1)', this object contains the dotted IP address of the secondary DNS server. As defined in RFC 2132, PacketCable compliant MTAs receive the IP addresses of the DNS Servers in the DHCP option 6.The behavior of this object when the value ofpktcMtaDevServerAddressType is other than 'ipv4(1)'is not presently specified, but may be specifiedin future versions of this MIB module. pktcMtaDevTimeServer read-write current This object contains the Internet Address of the Time Server used by a S-MTA for Time Synchronization. The typeof this address is determined by the value of the pktcMtaDevServerAddressType object.When the latter has the value 'ipv4(1)', this object contains the IP address of the Time Server used for Time Synchronization.In the case of a S-MTA, this object must be populated with a value other than '' as obtained from DHCP Option 4. The protocol by which the time of day MUST be retrieved is defined in RFC 868.In the case of an E-MTA, this object must contain a value of '' if the address type is 'ipv4(1)' since an E-MTA does not use the Time Protocol for time synchronization but use the time retrieved by the DOCSIS cable modem.The behavior of this object when the value of pktcMtaDevServerAddressType is other than 'ipv4(1)' is not presently specified, but may be specified in future versions of this MIB module. pktcMtaDevConfigFile read-write current This object contains the configuration file name set byprovisioning server. The MTA MUST support the TFTP access method for configuration file download, and MAY support the HTTP access method.In the case of the TFTP access method, the filename MUSTbe encoded using the following naming format:tftp://(host)/mta-configfilenamewhere the (host) is the IPv4 address or the FQDN of theTFTP access server.In the case of HTTP access method, the filename MUST be URL-encoded using the following naming format:http://(host)/ mta-configfilenamewhere the (host) is the IPv4 address or the FQDN of the HTTP access server.This object MUST return a zero-length string if the server address is unknown.The following three objects (pktcMtaDevConfigFile, pktcMtaDevConfigKey and pktcMtaDevConfigHash) MUST beSET in one SNMP PDU. pktcMtaDevSnmpEntity read-only current This object contains the FQDN of the SNMP entity of theprovisioning server. It is the server the MTA communicates with in order to receive the access method, location and the name of the configuration file. The SNMP entity is also the destination entity for all the provisioningnotifications. It may be used for post-provisioning SNMPoperations. During the provisioning phase, this SNMPentity FQDN is supplied to the MTA via the DHCP option 122sub-option 3 as defined in RFC 3495. If all the valid DHCP OFFER messages contain a DHCP option 122 sub-option 3 of value '', the MTA must stop provisioning and shut down until the modem is reset. pktcMtaDevProvConfigHash read-write current This object contains the hash value of the content of theconfiguration file, calculated and sent to the MTA priorto sending the configuration file. The authenticationalgorithm used for calculating hash is SHA-1, and thelength of hash is 160 bits. The hash calculation MUSTfollow the requirements of the PacketCable SecuritySpecification.The following three objects (pktcMtaDevConfigFile, pktcMtaDevConfigKey and pktcMtaDevConfigHash) MUST beSET in one SNMP PDU. pktcMtaDevProvConfigKey read-write current This object contains the key used to encrypt and decryptthe configuration file. It is sent to the MTA prior tosending the configuration file. If the privacyalgorithm is null, the length is 0. If the privacy algorithm is DES, the length is 64 bits.The following three objects (pktcMtaDevConfigFile, pktcMtaDevConfigKey and pktcMtaDevConfigHash) MUST beSET in one SNMP PDU. pktcMtaDevProvSolicitedKeyTimeout read-write current This object defines a Kerberos Key Management timer on the MTA. It is the time period during which the MTA saves the nonce and Server Kerberos Principal Identifier to match a MTA-initiated AP Request and its associated AP Reply response from the Provisioning Server.After the timeout has been exceeded, the client discardsthis (nonce, Server Kerberos Principal Identifier) pair, after which it will no longer accept a matching AP Reply.This timer only applies when the Provisioning Server initiated key management for SNMPv3 (for example with a Wake Up message). pktcMtaDevProvUnsolicitedKeyMaxTimeout read-only current This object defines the timeout value that applies to an MTA-initiated AP-REQ/REP key management exchange with Provisioning Server. It is the maximum timeout value and it may not be exceeded in the exponential back-off algorithm. If the DHCP option code 122 sub-option 5 isprovided to the MTA, it overwrites this value. pktcMtaDevProvUnsolicitedKeyNomTimeout read-only current This object defines the starting value of the timeout forthe AP-REQ/REP back-off and retry mechanism with exponential timeout. If the DHCP option code 122 sub-option 5 is provided to the MTA, it overwrites thisvalue. pktcMtaDevProvUnsolicitedKeyMaxRetries read-only current This object contains a retry counter that applies toa MTA-initiated AP-REQ/REP key management exchange with the provisioning server. It is the maximum number ofretries before the MTA stops establishing a security association with Provisioning Server. If the DHCP option code 122 sub-option 5 is provided tothe MTA, it overwrites this value. pktcMtaDevProvKerbRealmName read-only current This object contains the name of the associated provisioning Kerberos realm acquired during the MTA4 provisioning step (DHCP Ack). This object value is used asan index into the pktcMtaDevRealmTable. The upper case ASCII representation of the associated Kerberos realm name MUST be used by both the Manager(SNMP entity) and theMTA.The Kerberos realm name for the Provisioning Server is supplied to the MTA via DHCP option code 122 sub-option 6as defined in RFC 3495. The value of the Kerberos realm name for the Provisioning Server supplied in the MTA configuration file must match the value supplied in the DHCP option code 122 sub-option 6. pktcMtaDevProvState read-only current This object defines the MTA provisioning state.If the state is:'operational(1)', the device has completed the loadingand processing of the initialization parameters.'waitingForSnmpSetInfo(2)', the device is waiting on its configuration file download access information. 'waitingForTftpAddrResponse(3)', the device has sent aDNS request to resolve the server providing the configuration file and it is awaiting for a response.'waitingForConfigFile(4)', the device has sent a request via TFTP or HTTP for the download of its configuration file and it is awaiting for a response or the file download is in progress. pktcMtaDevManufacturerCertificate read-only current This object contains the MTA Manufacturer Certificate.The object value must be the ASN.1 DER encoding of the MTAmanufacturer's X.509 public key certificate. The MTAManufacturer Certificate is issued to each MTAmanufacturer and is installed into each MTA at the time ofmanufacture or with a secure code download. The specificrequirements related to this certificate are defined inthe PacketCable or IPCablecom specifications. pktcMtaDevCertificate read-only current This object contains the MTA Device Certificate. The object value must be the ASN.1 DER encoding of the MTA's X.509 public-key certificate issued by the manufacturer and installed into the MTA at the time of manufacture or with a secure code download.This certificate contains the MTA MAC address. The specific requirements related to this certificate are defined in the PacketCable or IPCablecom specifications. pktcMtaDevCorrelationId read-only current This object contains a correlation ID, an arbitrary valuegenerated by the MTA that will be exchanged as part of the device capability data to the Provisioning Application.This random value is used as an identifier to correlate related events in the MTA provisioning sequence.This value is intended for use only during the MTAinitialization and configuration file download. pktcMtaDevTelephonyRootCertificate read-only current This object contains the telephony Service Provider Root certificate. The object value is the ASN.1 DER encoding of the IP Telephony Service Provider Root X.509 public key certificate. This certification is stored in the MTA non-volatile memory and can be updated with a secure code download. This certificate is used to validate the initial AS Reply received by the MTA from the KDC during the MTA initialization. The specific requirements related to this certificate are defined in the PacketCable or IPCablecom specifications. pktcMtaDevRealmAvailSlot read-only current This object contains the index number of the firstavailable entry in the realm table (pktcMtaDevRealmTable).If all the entries in the realm table have been assigned, this object contains the value of zero.A management station should create new entries in the realm table using the following procedure: first, issue a management protocol retrieval operation to determine the value of the first available index in the realm table (pktcMtaDevRealmAvailSlot); second, issue a management protocol SET operationto create an instance of the pktcMtaDevRealmStatusobject by setting its value to 'createAndWait(5)'. third, if the SET operation succeeded, continue modifying the object instances corresponding to the newlycreated conceptual row, without fear of collision with othermanagement stations. When all necessary conceptual columns of the row are properly populated (via SET operations or default values), the management station may SET the pktcMtaDevRealmStatus object to 'active(1)'. pktcMtaDevRealmTable not-accessible current This object contains the realm table.The CMS table (pktcMtaDevCmsTable) and the realm table(pktcMtaDevRealmTable) are used for managing the MTA security signaling. The realm table defines the Kerberos domains for the Application Servers (CMSes AND the Provisioning Server). pktcMtaDevRealmEntry not-accessible current This table entry object lists the MTA security parameters for a single Kerberos realm. The conceptual rows MUST NOTpersist across MTA reboots. pktcMtaDevRealmIndex not-accessible current This object defines the realm table index. pktcMtaDevRealmName read-create current This object identifies the Kerberos realm name in all capitals. The MTA MUST prohibit the instantiation of anytwo rows with identical Kerberos realm names. The MTA MUST also verify that any search operation involving Kerberos realm names is done using the upper case ASCII representation of the characters. pktcMtaDevRealmPkinitGracePeriod read-create current This object contains the PKINIT Grace Period. For the purpose of key management with Application Servers (CMSesor the Provisioning Server), the MTA must utilize the PKINIT exchange to obtain Application Server tickets.The PKINIT exchange occurs based on the current Ticket Expiration Time (TicketEXP) and on the PKINIT Grace Period (PKINITGP). The MTA MUST initiate the PKINIT exchange at the time: TicketEXP - PKINITGP. pktcMtaDevRealmTgsGracePeriod read-create current This object contains the Ticket Granting Server GracePeriod (TGSGP). The Ticket Granting Server (TGS) Request / Reply exchange may be performed by the MTA on-demand - whenever an Application Server ticket is needed toestablish security parameters. If the MTA possesses a ticket that corresponds to the Provisioning Server or a CMS that currently exists in the CMS table, the MTA MUST initiate the TGS Request / Reply exchange at the time: TicketEXP - TGSGP. pktcMtaDevRealmOrgName read-create current This object contains the X.500 organization name attribute as defined in the subject name of the service provider certificate. The value of the organization name includesthe prefix 'O='. pktcMtaDevRealmUnsolicitedKeyMaxTimeout read-create current This object specifies the maximum time the MTA will attempt to perform the exponential back-off algorithm. This timer only applies when the MTA initiated key management. If the DHCP option code 122 sub-option 4 is provided to the MTA, it overwrites this value. pktcMtaDevRealmUnsolicitedKeyNomTimeout read-create current This object specifies the initial timeout value for the AS-REQ/AS-REP exponential back-off and retry mechanism. If the DHCP option code 122 sub-option 4 isprovided to the MTA, it overwrites this value. This value should account for the average roundtrip time between the MTA and the KDC as well as theprocessing delay on the KDC. pktcMtaDevRealmUnsolicitedKeyMaxRetries read-create current This object specifies the maximum number of retries theMTA attempts to establish a security association. pktcMtaDevRealmStatus read-create current This object defines the row status of this realm in therealm table (pktcMtaDevRealmTable).An entry in this table is not qualified for activationuntil the object instances of all corresponding columns have been initialized, either by default values, or viaexplicit SET operations. Until all object instances in this row are initialized, the status value for this realm must be 'notReady(3)'.In particular, two columnar objects must be explicitly SET: the realm name (pktcMtaDevRealmName) and the organization name (pktcMtaDevRealmOrgName). Once these 2 objects have been set and the row status is SET to 'active(1)', the MTA MUST NOT allow any modification of these 2 object values.The value of this object has no effect on whether other columnar objects in this row can be modified. pktcMtaDevCmsAvailSlot read-only current This object contains the index number of the firstavailable entry in the CMS table (pktcMtaDevCmsTable).If all the entries in the CMS table have been assigned, this object contains the value of zero.A management station should create new entries in the CMS table using the following procedure: first, issue a management protocol retrieval operation to determine the value of the first available index in the CMS table (pktcMtaDevCmsAvailSlot); second, issue a management protocol SET operationto create an instance of the pktcMtaDevCmsStatusobject by setting its value to 'createAndWait(5)'. third, if the SET operation succeeded, continue modifying the object instances corresponding to the newlycreated conceptual row, without fear of collision withother management stations. When all necessary conceptualcolumns of the row are properly populated (via SET operations or default values), the management station may SET the pktcMtaDevCmsStatus object to 'active(1)'. pktcMtaDevCmsTable not-accessible current This object contains the CMS table.The CMS table (pktcMtaDevCmsTable) and the realm table(pktcMtaDevRealmTable) are used for managing the MTAsecurity signaling. The CMS table defines the CMSes withinthe domains and the MTA security parameters for keymanagement with each CMS. pktcMtaDevCmsEntry not-accessible current This table entry object lists the MTA key management parameters for a single MTA-CMS interface. The conceptual rows MUST NOT persist across MTA reboots. pktcMtaDevCmsIndex not-accessible current This object defines the CMS table index. pktcMtaDevCmsFqdn read-create current This object specifies the CMS FQDN. The MTA must prohibit the instantiation of any two rows with identical FQDNs. The MTA must also verify that any search and/or comparison operation involving a CMS FQDN is case insensitive. pktcMtaDevCmsKerbRealmName read-create current This object identifies the Kerberos realm name in upper case characters associated with the CMS defined in this conceptual row. The object value is a reference point to the corresponding Kerberos realm name in therealm table (pktcMtaDevRealmtable). pktcMtaDevCmsMaxClockSkew read-create current This object specifies the maximum allowable clock skewbetween the MTA and the CMS defined in this row. pktcMtaDevCmsSolicitedKeyTimeout read-create current This object defines a Kerberos Key Management timer on the MTA. It is the time period during which the MTA saves the nonce and Server Kerberos Principal Identifier to match aMTA-initiated AP Request and its associated AP Reply response from the CMS Server. pktcMtaDevCmsUnsolicitedKeyMaxTimeout read-create current This object defines the timeout value that only appliesto a MTA-initiated key management. It is the maximumtimeout and it may not be exceeded in the exponential back-off algorithm. pktcMtaDevCmsUnsolicitedKeyNomTimeout read-create current This object defines the starting value of the timeout for a MTA-initiated key management. It should account for the average roundtrip time between the MTA and the CMS. pktcMtaDevCmsUnsolicitedKeyMaxRetries read-create current This object contains the maximum number of retries before the MTA stops establishing a security association with the CMS. pktcMtaDevCmsIpsecCtrl read-create current This object specifies the MTA IPSec control flag.If the object value is 'true', the MTA must use Kerberos Key Management and IPSec to communicate with this CMS. If it is 'false', IPSec Signaling Security and Kerberos key management are disabled for the specific CMS. pktcMtaDevCmsStatus read-create current This object defines the row status associated with thisparticular CMS in the CMS table (pktcMtaDevCmsTable).An entry in this table is not qualified for activation until the object instances of all corresponding columns have been initialized, either by default values, or via explicit SET operations. Until all object instances in this row are initialized, the status value for this realm must be 'notReady(3)'.In particular, two columnar objects must be SET: theCMS FQDN (pktcMtaDevCmsFqdn) and the Kerberos realm name (pktcMtaDevCmsKerbRealmName). Once these 2 objects have been set and the row status is SET to 'active(1)', the MTA MUST NOT allow any modification of these 2 object values.The value of this object has no effect onwhether other columnar objects in this row can be modified. pktcMtaDevResetKrbTickets read-write current This object defines a Kerberos Ticket Control Mask that instructs the MTA to invalidate the specific application server Kerberos ticket(s) that are stored locally in the MTA NVRAM (non-volatile or persistent memory). If the MTA does not stored Kerberos tickets in NVRAM, it MUST ignore setting of this object, and MUST report a BITS value of zero when the object is read. If the MTA supports Kerberos tickets storage in NVRAM, theobject value is encoded as follows:- setting the invalidateProvOnReboot bit (bit 0) to 1 means that the MTA MUST invalidate the Kerberos Application Ticket(s) for the Provisioning Application at the next MTA reboot,- setting the invalidateAllCmsOnReboot bit (bit 1) to 1 means that the MTA MUST invalidate the Kerberos Application Ticket(s) for all CMSes currently assigned to the MTA endpoints. pktcSigDevCodecTable not-accessible current This table describes the MTA supported codec types. pktcSigDevCodecEntry not-accessible current Each entry represents a supported codec type for the MTA. pktcSigDevCodecIndex not-accessible current The index value which uniquely identifies an entry in the pktcSigDevCodecTable. pktcSigDevCodecType read-only current A codec type supported by this MTA. pktcSigDevCodecMax read-only current The maximum number of simultaneous sessions of the specific codec that the MTA can support. For example: pktcSigDevCodecType PktcSigDevCodecMax pcma 2 g728 2 The MTA can simultaneously support 2 sessions using a G.711 (PCMA) codec AND 2 sessions using a G.728 codec. In this example, the MTA can NOT simultaneously support 1 G.711 (PCMA) codec and 3 G.728 codecs. pktcSigDevEchoCancellation read-only current This object specifies if the device is capable of echo cancellation. pktcSigDevSilenceSuppression read-only current This object specifies if the device is capable of silence suppression (Voice Activity Detection). pktcSigDevCallerIdSigProtocol read-write current This object identifies the subscriber line protocol usedfor signaling on-hook caller id information. pktcSigDevR0Cadence read-write current This object specifies ring cadence 0 (a user defined field) where each bit represents a duration of 100 milliseconds (6 seconds total), except the LSB 4 bits which are used to represent repeatable characteristics. pktcSigDevR6Cadence read-write current This object specifies ring cadence 6 (a user defined field) where each bit represents a duration of 100 milliseconds (6 seconds total), except the LSB 4 bits which are used to represent repeatable characteristics. pktcSigDevR7Cadence read-write current This object specifies ring cadence 7 (a user defined field) where each bit represents a duration of 100 milliseconds (6 seconds total), except the LSB 4 bits which are used to represent repeatable characteristics. pktcSigDefCallSigDscp read-write current The default value used in the IP header for setting the Differentiated Server Code Point (DSCP) value for call signaling. pktcSigDefMediaStreamDscp read-write current The default value used in the IP header for setting the Differentiated Server Code Point (DSCP) value for media stream packets. pktcSigCapabilityTable not-accessible current This table describes the signaling types supported by this MTA. pktcSigCapabilityEntry not-accessible current Entries in pktcMtaDevSigCapabilityTable - List of supported signaling types, versions and vendor extensions for this MTA. Each entry in the list provides for one signaling type and version combination. If the device supports multiple versions of the same signaling type it will require multiple entries. pktcSignalingIndex not-accessible current The index value which uniquely identifies an entry in the pktcSigCapabilityTable. pktcSignalingType read-only current This object identifies the type of signaling used. This value has to be associated with a single signaling version. pktcSignalingVersion read-only current Provides the version of the signaling type - reference pktcSignalingType. Examples would be 1.0 or 2.33 etc. pktcSignalingVendorExtension read-only current The vendor extension allows vendors to provide a list of additional capabilities, vendors can decide how to encode these extensions, although space separated text is suggested. pktcSigDefNcsReceiveUdpPort read-write current This object contains the MTA User Datagram Protocol (UDP) receive port that is being used for NCS call signaling. This object should only be changed by the configuration file. pktcSigServiceClassNameUS read-write current This object contains a string indicating the Service Class Name to create an Upstream Service Flow for NCS. If the object has an empty string value then the NCS SF is not created and the best effort primary SF is used for NCS data. If this object is set to a non-empty (non-zero length) string, the MTA MUST create the NCS SF if it does not currently exist and the pktcSigServiceClassNameMask object has a non-zero value. If this object is subsequently set to an empty (zero-length) string, the MTA MUST delete the NCS SF if it exists. Setting this object to a different value does not cause the US SF to be re-created. The string MUST contain printable ASCII characters. The length of the string does not include a terminating zero. The MTA MUST append a terminating zero when the MTA creates the service flow. pktcSigServiceClassNameDS read-write current This object contains a string indicating the Service Class Name to create a Downstream Service Flow for NCS. If the object has an empty string value then the NCS SF is not created and the best effort primary SF is used for NCS data. If this object is set to a non-empty (non-zero length) string, the MTA MUST create the NCS SF if it does not currently exist and the pktcSigServiceClassNameMask object has a non-zero value. If this object is subsequently set to an empty (zero-length) string, the MTA MUST delete the NCS SF if it exists. Setting this object to a different value does not cause the DS SF to be re-created. The string MUST contain printable ASCII characters. The length of the string does not include a terminating zero. The MTA MUST append a terminating zero when the MTA creates the service flow. pktcSigServiceClassNameMask read-write current This object contains a value used for the NCS Call Signaling classifier mask. If this object is set to a zero value, the MTA MUST delete both NCS SFs. When this object is set to a non-zero value, the MTA MUST create the NCS SF for which the corresponding MIB object (pktcSigServiceClassNameUS or pktcSigServiceClassNameDS) has a non-empty value, if the NCS SF does not already exist. pktcSigNcsServiceFlowState read-only current This object contains a status value of the Call Signaling Service Flow. - notactive indicates that the NCS SF is not being used, and has not tried to be created, - active indicates that the NCS SF is in use, - error indicates that the NCS SF creation resulted in an error and the best effort channel is used for NCS Signaling. pktcSigDevR1Cadence read-write current This object specifies ring cadence 1 (a user defined field) where each bit represents a duration of 100 milliseconds (6 seconds total), except the LSB 4 bits which are used to represent repeatable characteristics. pktcSigDevR2Cadence read-write current This object specifies ring cadence 2 (a user defined field) where each bit represents a duration of 100 milliseconds (6 seconds total), except the LSB 4 bits which are used to represent repeatable characteristics. pktcSigDevR3Cadence read-write current This object specifies ring cadence 3 (a user defined field) where each bit represents a duration of 100 milliseconds (6 seconds total), except the LSB 4 bits which are used to represent repeatable characteristics. pktcSigDevR4Cadence read-write current This object specifies ring cadence 4 (a user defined field) where each bit represents a duration of 100 milliseconds (6 seconds total), except the LSB 4 bits which are used to represent repeatable characteristics. pktcSigDevR5Cadence read-write current This object specifies ring cadence 5 (a user defined field) where each bit represents a duration of 100 milliseconds, except the LSB 4 bits which are used to represent repeatable characteristics. pktcSigDevRgCadence read-write current This object specifies ring cadence rg (a user defined field) where each bit represents a duration of 100 milliseconds (6 seconds total), except the LSB 4 bits which are used to represent repeatable characteristics. pktcSigDevRsCadence read-write current This object specifies ring cadence rs (a user defined field) where each bit represents a duration of 100 milliseconds (6 seconds total), except the LSB 4 bits which are used to represent repeatable characteristics. The MTA MUST reject any attempt to make this object repeatable. pktcSigDevRtCadence read-write current This object specifies ring cadence rt (a user defined field) where each bit represents a duration of 100 milliseconds (6 seconds total), except the LSB 4 bits which are used to represent repeatable characteristics. pktcSigPowerRingFrequency read-write current This object must only be set via the configuration fileduring the provisioning process.The power ring frequency is the frequency at which thesinusoidal voltage must travel down the twisted pair to make terminal equipment ring. Different countries define different electrical characteristics to make terminal equipment ring. pktcSigPulseSignalTable not-accessible current The Pulse signal table defines the pulse signal operation. There are four types of international pulse signals, initial ring, meter pulse, reverse polarity and no battery. The Pulse duration type is specific and it is specified with a 1 to 32 value. Objects in this table donot persist across MTA reboots. pktcSigPulseSignalEntry not-accessible current Unique value ranging from 1 to 32 that will correspond to the value specified by the operator. pktcSigPulseSignalIndex not-accessible current The table index equivalent to the operator specific pulse type and duration. pktcSigPulseSignalDuration read-write current The pulse duration varies according to the operator and country. pktcSigPulseSignalType read-write current There are four types of international pulse signals. pktcSigPulseSignalDbLevel read-write current This object only applies if pktcSigPulseSignalType = meterPulse. This is the decibel level at which the meter pulse could be generated. Example: pktcSigPulseSignalType pktcSigPulseSignalDbLevel initialRing not used meterPulse -60reversePolarity not used noBattery not used pktcSigPulseSignalFrequency read-write current This object only applies if pktcSigPulseSignalType = meterPulse. This is the frequency at which the meter pulse could be generated. Example: pktcSigPulseSignalType pktcSigPulseSignalDbLevel initialRing not used meterPulse sixteenthousandreversePolarity not used noBattery not used. Note: The zero value is used to turn off meter pulse. pktcSigPulseSignalRepeatCount read-write current This is the repeat count, which signifies how many times to repeat the pulse. pktcSigPulseSignalPauseDuration read-write current The pause duration between pulses varies according to the operator and country. pktcSigDevCIDMode read-write current This object is used for ETSI systems only. For on-hook Caller ID, pktcSigDevCIDMode selects the method of Caller ID. For the duringRingingETS method, the FSK containing the Caller ID information is sent between the first and second ring pattern. For the dtAsETS, rpAsETS, and lrAsETS methods, the FSK containing the Caller ID information is sent before the first ring pattern. For the dtAsETS method, the FSK is sent after the Dual Tone Alert Signal. For the rpAsETS method, the FSK is sent after a Ring Pulse. For the lrAsETS method, the Line Reversal occurs first, then the Dual Tone Alert Signal, and finally the FSK is sent. pktcSigDevCIDFskAfterRing read-write current This object is used for ETSI systems only. This object specifies the delay between the end of first ringing pattern and the start of the transmission of the FSK containing the Caller ID information. It is only used when pktcSigDevCIDMode is duringRingingETS. pktcSigDevCIDMode pktcSigDevCIDFskAfterRing duringringingETS 550 ms dtAsETS not used rpAsETS not used lrAsETS not used pktcSigDevCIDFskAfterDTAS read-write current This object is used for ETSI systems only. This object specifies the delay between the end of the Dual Tone Alert Signal (DT-AS) and the start of the transmission of the FSK containing the Caller ID information. This object is only used when pktcSigDevCIDMode is dtAsETS or lrAsETS. pktcSigDevCIDMode pktcSigDevCIDFskAfterDTAS duringringingETS not used dtAsETS 50 ms rpAsETS not used lrAsETS 50 ms pktcSigDevCIDFskAfterRPAS read-write current This object is used for ETSI systems only. This object specifies the delay between the end of the Ring Pulse Alert Signal (RP-AS) and the start of the transmission of the FSK containing the Caller ID information. This object is only used when pktcSigDevCIDMode is rpAsETS. pktcSigDevCIDMode pktcSigDevCIDFskAfterRPAS duringringingETS not used dtAsETS not used rpAsETS 650 ms lrAsETS not used pktcSigDevCIDRingAfterFSK read-write current This object is used for ETSI systems only. This object specifies the delay between the end of the complete transmission of the FSK containing the Caller ID information and the start of the first ring pattern. It is only used when pktcSigDevCIDMode is dtAsETS, rpAsETS or lrAsETS. pktcSigDevCIDMode pktcSigDevCIDFskAfterFSK duringringingETS not used dtAsETS 250 ms rpAsETS 250 ms lrAsETS 250 ms pktcSigDevCIDDTASAfterLR read-write current This object is used for ETSI systems only. This object specifies the delay between the end of the Line Reversal and the start of the Dual Tone Alert Signal (DT-AS). This object is only used when pktcSigDevCIDMode is lrAsETS. pktcSigDevCIDMode pktcSigDevCIDFskAfterLR duringringingETS not used dtAsETS not used rpAsETS not used lrAsETS 250 ms pktcSigDevVmwiMode read-write current This object is used for ETSI systems only. For visual message waiting indicator (VMWI), pktcSigDevVmwiMode selects the alerting signal method. For the dtAsETS, rpAsETS, and lrAsETS methods, the FSK containing the VMWI information is sent after an alerting signal. For the dtAsETS method, the FSK is sent after the Dual Tone Alert Signal. For the rpAsETS method, the FSK is sent after a Ring Pulse. For the lrAsETS method, the Line Reversal occurs first, then the Dual Tone Alert Signal, and finally the FSK is sent. pktcSigDevVmwiFskAfterDTAS read-write current This object is used for ETSI systems only. This object specifies the delay between the end of the Dual Tone Alert Signal (DT-AS) and the start of the transmission of the FSK containing the VMWI information. This object is only used when pktcSigDevVmwiMode is dtAsETS or lrAsETS. pktcSigDevVmwiMode pktcSigDevVmwiFskAfterDTAS dtAsETS 50 ms rpAsETS not used lrAsETS 50 ms pktcSigDevVmwiFskAfterRPAS read-write current This object is used for ETSI systems only. This object specifies the delay between the end of the Ring Pulse Alert Signal (RP-AS) and the start of the transmission of the FSK containing the VMWI information. This object is only used when pktcSigDevVmwiMode is rpAsETS. pktcSigDevVmwiMode pktcSigDevVmwiFskAfterRPAS dtAsETS not used rpAsETS 650 ms lrAsETS not used pktcSigDevVmwiDTASAfterLR read-write current This object is used for ETSI systems only. This object specifies the delay between the end of the Line Reversal and the start of the Dual Tone Alert Signal (DT-AS) for VMWI information. This object is only used when pktcSigDevVmwiMode is lrAsETS. pktcSigDevVmwiMode pktcSigDevVmwiDTASAfterLR dtAsETS not used rpAsETS not used lrAsETS 250 ms pktcSigDevRingCadenceTable not-accessible current In V5.2, Cadence rings are defined by the telco governing body for each country. The MTA must be able to support various ranges of cadence patterns and cadence periods. The MTA will be able to support country specific provisioning of the cadence and idle period. There will be at most 3 on/off transitions per cadence period. Each cadence pattern will be assigned a unique value ranging from 1-128 corresponding to the value sent by the LE SIGNAL message plus one. The MTA will derive the cadence periods from the ring Cadence table entry as provisioned by the customer. Objects in this table do not persistacross MTA reboots. pktcSigDevRingCadenceEntry not-accessible current Unique value ranging from 1 to 128 that corresponds to the value sent by the LE (plus one) based on country specific cadences, one row per cadence cycle. In any given system implementation for a particular country, it is anticipated that a small number of ring cadences will be in use. Thus, this table most likely will not be populated to its full 128-row size. pktcSigDevRingCadenceIndex not-accessible current The table index equivalent to the country specific cadence (1 - 128). pktcSigDevRingCadence read-write current This is the Ring Cadence Octet String. The first octet of the bit string represents the length in bits of the duration of the cadence. Each Bit after the first octet represents 50 ms and 1 represents ring and 0 represents silent. The first bit of the second octet is the first bit of the ring cadence. Only 216 Bits can be set total to represent 10800 ms of total cadence cycle. pktcSigDevStandardRingCadence read-write current This is the Ring Cadence Octet String for the standard ring. The first octet of the bit string represents the length in bits of the duration of the cadence Each Bit after the first octet represents 50 ms and 1 represents ring and 0 represents silent. The first bit of the second octet is the first bit of the ring cadence. Only 216 Bits can be set total to represent 10800 ms of total cadence cycle. pktcSigDevRingSplashCadence read-write current This is the Ring Cadence Octet String for splash ring. The first octet of the bit string represents the length in bits of the duration of the cadence. Each Bit after the first octet represents 50 ms and 1 represents ring and 0 represents silent. The first bit of the second octet is the first bit of the ring cadence. Only 216 Bits can be set total to represent 10800 ms of total cadence cycle. pktcSigDevToneTable not-accessible current The Tone Table defines the various tone operations. Any definition of the tones callWaiting1-4 in this table should just contain the audible tone itself and NOT contain the delay between tones or the tone repeat count. The delay between tones or the repeat count is controlled by the MIB objects pktcNcsEndPntConfigCallWaitingDelay, and pktcNcsEndPntConfigCallWaitingMaxRep. Objects in this table do not persist across MTA reboots. pktcSigDevToneEntry not-accessible current Unique value ranging from 0 to 38 that will correspond tothe different tone types that are being supported by the device. These tones can be provisioned based on country specific needs. pktcSigDevToneType not-accessible current This object defines the type of tone being accessed. Note: the values are enumerated starting at zero (e.g., dtmf0) to correspond to the digits on the telephone keypad. pktcSigDevToneDbLevel read-write current This is the decibel level at which tones could be generated. pktcSigDevToneFreqType read-write current This object describes how the frequencies are applied. allFrequencies indicates all frequences specifed by pktcSigDevToneNumFrequencies are mixed to form a single tone. The tone is then applied in sequence using the number of on/off times specified in pktcSigDevToneNumOnOffTimes. SingleFrequecySequence indicates all frequencies specified by pktcSigDevToneNumFrequencies are applied in sequence using the corresponding frequency number on/off time (e.g., pktcSigDevToneFirstFrequency uses pktcSigDevToneFirstToneOn and pktcSigDevToneFirstToneOff, pktcSigDevToneSecondFrequency uses pktcSigDevToneSecondToneOn and pktcSigDevToneSecondToneOff). For this tone type pktcSigDevToneNumFrequencies MUST equal pktcSigDevToneNumOnOffTimes. DualFrequencySequence indicates two pairs of frequencies are mixed to form two sequenced tones. The first and second frequency are mixed to form tone one and are applied using pktcSigDevToneFirstToneOn and pktcSigDevToneFirstToneOff. The third and forth frequency are mixed to form tone two and are applied using pktcSigDevToneSecondToneOn and pktcSigDevToneSecondToneOff. For this tone type pktcSigDevToneNumFrequencies MUST equal 4 and pktcSigDevToneNumOnOffTimes MUST equal 2. allFrequenciesModulated indicates all frequencies specified by pktcSigDevToneNumFrequencies are modulated to form a single tone. The tone is then applied in sequence using the number of on/off times specified in pktcSigDevToneNumOnOffTimes. For allFrequenciesModulated, the pktcSigDevToneNumFrequencies MUST equal 2, and the frequency in pktcSigDevToneFirstFrequency modulates the frequency in pktcSigDevToneSecondFrequency. pktcSigDevToneNumFrequencies read-write current Specifies the number of frequencies specified in the table entry. pktcSigDevToneFirstFrequency read-write current This is the first frequency at which the tones could be generated in a multiple frequency tone. pktcSigDevToneSecondFrequency read-write current This is the second frequency at which the tones could be generated in a multiple frequency tone. pktcSigDevToneThirdFrequency read-write current This is the third frequency at which the tones could be generated. pktcSigDevToneFourthFrequency read-write current This is the fourth frequency at which the tones could be generated. pktcSigDevToneNumOnOffTimes read-write current Specifies the number of on/off times specified in the table entry. pktcSigDevToneFirstToneOn read-write current This is the first tone interval. pktcSigDevToneFirstToneOff read-write current This is the first idle interval. pktcSigDevToneSecondToneOn read-write current This is the second tone interval. pktcSigDevToneSecondToneOff read-write current This is the second idle interval. pktcSigDevToneThirdToneOn read-write current This is the third tone interval. pktcSigDevToneThirdToneOff read-write current This is the third idle interval. pktcSigDevToneFourthToneOn read-write current This is the fourth tone interval. pktcSigDevToneFourthToneOff read-write current This is the Fourth idle interval. pktcSigDevToneWholeToneRepeatCount read-write current This is the repeat count, which signifies how many times to repeat the entire on-off sequence. pktcSigDevToneSteady read-write current This is the steady tone. Device must playout the on-off sequence for pktcSigDevToneWholeRepeatCount times and then apply the last tone forever. pktcNcsEndPntConfigTable not-accessible current This table describes the information pertaining to each endpoint of the MTA. All entries in this table represent the provisioned endpoints provisioned with the information required by the MTA to maintain the NCS signaling protocol communication with the CMS. Each endpoint can be assigned to a its own CMS. If the specific endpoint does not have the corresponding CMS information in this table, the endpoint is considered as not provisioned with voice services. Objects in this table do not persist across MTA reboots. pktcNcsEndPntConfigEntry not-accessible current Entries in pktcNcsEndPntConfigTable Each entry represents the required signaling parameters for the specific endpoint provisioned with voice services. pktcNcsEndPntConfigCallAgentId read-create current This object contains a string indicating the call agent name. (e.g.,: The call agent name afterthe @ character must be a fully qualified domain name and have a corresponding pktcMtaDevCmsFqdn entry in the pktcMtaDevCmsTable. The object pktcMtaDevCmsFqdn is defined in the PacketCable MIBMTA Specification. pktcNcsEndPntConfigCallAgentUdpPort read-create current This object contains the call agent User Datagram Protocol (UDP) receive port that is being used for this instance of call signaling, i.e. the default port on which the call agent will receive NCS signaling from the endpoint. pktcNcsEndPntConfigPartialDialTO read-create current This object contains maximum value of the partial dial time out. pktcNcsEndPntConfigCriticalDialTO read-create current This object contains the maximum value of the critical dial time out. docsDevFilterTosStatus read-create current The object used to create and delete entries in thistable. A row created by specifying just this objectresults in a row which specifies no change to the TOSbits. A row may be created using either the create-and-goor create-and-wait paradigms. There is no restriction onthe ability to change values in this row while the row isactive. docsDevFilterTosAndMask read-create current The object used to create and delete entries in thistable. A row created by specifying just this objectresults in a row which specifies no change to the TOSbits. A row may be created using either the create-and-goor create-and-wait paradigms. There is no restriction onthe ability to change values in this row while the row isactive. docsDevFilterTosOrMask read-create current After bitwise AND'ing with the above bits, the packet'sTOS bits are bitwise OR'd with these bits. docsDevCpeEnroll read-write current This object controls the population of docsDevFilterCpeTable.If set to none, the filters must be set manually.If set to any, the CM wiretaps the packets originatingfrom the ethernet and enrolls up to docsDevCpeIpMaxaddresses based on the source IP addresses of thosepackets. At initial system startup, default value for thisobject is any(2). docsDevCpeIpMax read-write current This object controls the maximum number of CPEs allowed toconnect behind this device. If set to zero, any number ofCPEs may connect up to the maximum permitted for the device.If set to -1, no filtering is done on CPE source addresses,and no entries are made in the docsDevFilterCpeTable. If anattempt is made to set this to a number greater than thatpermitted for the device, it is set to that maximum.At iniitial system startup, default value for this objectis 1. docsDevCpeTable not-accessible current This table lists the IP addresses seen (or permitted) assource addresses in packets originating from the customerinterface on this device. In addition, this table can beprovisioned with the specific addresses permitted for theCPEs via the normal row creation mechanisms. docsDevCpeEntry not-accessible current An entry in the docsDevFilterCpeTable. There is one entryfor each IP CPE seen or provisioned. If docsDevCpeIpMaxis set to -1, this table is ignored, otherwise: Upon receiptof an IP packet from the customer interface of the CM, thesource IP address is checked against this table. If theaddress is in the table, packet processing continues.If the address is not in the table, but docsDevCpeEnrollis set to any and the table size is less thandocsDevCpeIpMax, the address is added to the table andpacket processing continues. Otherwise, the packet isdropped.The filtering actions specified by this table occur afterany LLC filtering (docsDevFilterLLCTable), but priorto any IP filtering (docsDevFilterIpTable,docsDevNmAccessTable). docsDevCpeIp not-accessible current The IP address to which this entry applies. docsDevCpeSource read-only current This object describes how this entry was created. If thevalue is manual(2), this row was created by a networkmanagement action (either configuration, or SNMP set).If set to learned(3), then it was found vialooking at the source IP address of a received packet. docsDevCpeStatus read-create current Standard object to manipulate rows. To create a row in thistable, you only need to specify this object. Managementstations SHOULD use the create-and-go mechanism forcreating rows in this table. docsIfDownstreamChannelTable not-accessible current This table describes the attributes of downstreamchannels (frequency bands). docsIfDownstreamChannelEntry not-accessible current An entry provides a list of attributes for a singleDownstream channel.An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with anifType of docsCableDownstream(128). docsIfDownChannelId read-only current The Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) identificationof the downstream channel within this particular MACinterface. If the interface is down, the object returnsthe most current value. If the downstream channel ID isunknown, this object returns a value of 0. docsIfDownChannelFrequency read-only current The center of the downstream frequency associated withthis channel. This object will return the current tunerfrequency. If a CMTS provides IF output, this objectwill return 0, unless this CMTS is in control of thefinal downstream RF frequency. See the associatedcompliance object for a description of valid frequenciesthat may be written to this object. docsIfDownChannelWidth read-only current The bandwidth of this downstream channel. Mostimplementations are expected to support a channel widthof 6 MHz (North America) and/or 8 MHz (Europe). See theassociated compliance object for a description of thevalid channel widths for this object. docsIfDownChannelModulation read-only current The modulation type associated with this downstreamchannel. If the interface is down, this object eitherreturns the configured value (CMTS), the most currentvalue (CM), or the value of unknown(1). See theassociated conformance object for write conditions andlimitations. See the reference for specifics on themodulation profiles implied by qam64 and qam256. docsIfDownChannelInterleave read-only current The Forward Error Correction (FEC) interleaving usedfor this downstream channel.Values are defined as follows:taps8Increment16(3): protection 5.9/4.1 usec,latency .22/.15 msectaps16Increment8(4): protection 12/8.2 usec,latency .48/.33 msectaps32Increment4(5): protection 24/16 usec,latency .98/.68 msectaps64Increment2(6): protection 47/33 usec,latency 2/1.4 msectaps128Increment1(7): protection 95/66 usec,latency 4/2.8 msectaps12Increment17(8): protection 18/14 usec,latency 0.43/0.32 msectaps12Increment17 is implemented inconformance with EuroDOCSIS document'Adapted MIB-definitions - and aclarification for MPEG-related issues - forEuroDOCSIS cable modem systems' by tComLabsand should only be used for a EuroDOCSIS MACinterface.If the interface is down, this object either returnsthe configured value (CMTS), the most current value (CM),or the value of unknown(1).The value of other(2) is returned if the interleaveis known but not defined in the above list.See the associated conformance object for writeconditions and limitations. See the reference for the FECconfiguration described by the setting of this object. docsIfDownChannelPower read-only current At the CMTS, the operational transmit power. At the CM,the received power level. May be set to zero at the CMif power level measurement is not supported.If the interface is down, this object either returnsthe configured value (CMTS), the most current value (CM)or the value of 0. See the associated conformance objectfor write conditions and limitations. See the referencefor recommended and required power levels. docsIfDownChannelAnnex read-only current The value of this object indicates the conformance ofthe implementation to important regional cable standards.annexA : Annex A from ITU-J83 is used.annexB : Annex B from ITU-J83 is used.annexC : Annex C from ITU-J83 is used.AnnexB is used for DOCSIS implementations docsIfUpstreamChannelTable not-accessible current This table describes the attributes of attached upstreamchannels. docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry not-accessible current List of attributes for a single upstream channel. ForDocsis 2.0 CMTSs, an entry in this table exists foreach ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableUpstreamChannel (205).For Docsis 1.x CM/CMTSs and Docsis 2.0 CMs, an entry in this table existsfor each ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableUpstreamInterface (129). docsIfUpChannelId read-only current The CMTS identification of the upstream channel. docsIfUpChannelFrequency read-only current The center of the frequency band associated with thisupstream interface. This object returns 0 if the frequencyis undefined or unknown. Minimum permitted upstreamfrequency is 5,000,000 Hz for current technology. Seethe associated conformance object for write conditionsand limitations. docsIfUpChannelWidth read-only current The bandwidth of this upstream interface. This objectreturns 0 if the interface width is undefined or unknown.Minimum permitted interface width is 200,000 Hz currently.See the associated conformance object for write conditionsand limitations. docsIfUpChannelModulationProfile read-only current An entry identical to the docsIfModIndex in thedocsIfCmtsModulationTable that describes this channel.This channel is further instantiated there by a groupingof interval usage codes which together fully describe thechannel modulation. This object returns 0 if thedocsIfCmtsModulationTable entry does not exist ordocsIfCmtsModulationTable is empty. Seethe associated conformance object for write conditionsand limitations. docsIfUpChannelSlotSize read-only current Applicable to TDMA and ATDMA channel types only.The number of 6.25 microsecond ticks in each upstream mini-slot. Returns zero if the value is undefined, unknown or incase of an SCDMA channel.See the associated conformance object for writeconditions and limitations. docsIfUpChannelTxTimingOffset read-only current At the CM, a measure of the current round trip time obtained from theranging offset (initial ranging offset + ranging offset adjustments).At the CMTS, the maximum of timing offset, among all the CMs thatare/were present on the channel, taking into account all ( initial +periodic )timing offset corrections that were sent for each of the CMs.Generally, these measurements are positive, but if themeasurements are negative, the value of this object is zero. Used fortiming of CM upstream transmissions to ensure synchronized arrivals atthe CMTS. Units are in terms of (6.25 microseconds/64). docsIfUpChannelRangingBackoffStart read-only current The initial random backoff window to use when retryingRanging Requests. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retrymechanism is to be used. See the associated conformanceobject for write conditions and limitations. docsIfUpChannelRangingBackoffEnd read-only current The final random backoff window to use when retryingRanging Requests. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retrymechanism is to be used. See the associated conformanceobject for write conditions and limitations. docsIfUpChannelTxBackoffStart read-only current The initial random backoff window to use when retryingtransmissions. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retrymechanism is to be used. See the associated conformanceobject for write conditions and limitations. docsIfUpChannelTxBackoffEnd read-only current The final random backoff window to use when retryingtransmissions. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retrymechanism is to be used. See the associated conformanceobject for write conditions and limitations. docsIfUpChannelScdmaActiveCodes read-only current Applicable for SCDMA channel types only.Number of active codes. Returns zero forNon-SCDMA channel types. Note that legalvalues from 64..128 MUST be non-prime. docsIfUpChannelScdmaCodesPerSlot read-only current Applicable for SCDMA channel types only.The number of SCDMA codes per mini-slot.Returns zero if the value is undefined, unknown or incase of a TDMA or ATDMA channel. docsIfUpChannelScdmaFrameSize read-only current Applicable for SCDMA channel types only.SCDMA Frame size in units of spreading intervals.This value returns zero for non SCDMA Profiles. docsIfUpChannelScdmaHoppingSeed read-only current Applicable for SCDMA channel types only.15 bit seed used for code hopping sequence initialization.Returns zero for non-SCDMA channel types. docsIfUpChannelType read-only current Defines the Upstream channel type.Given the channel type, other channel attributes can be checkedfor value validity at the time of entry creation and update. docsIfUpChannelCloneFrom read-only current Intended for use when a temporary inactive upstream table row iscreated for the purpose of manipulating SCDMA parameters for anactive row. Refer to the descriptions of docsIfUpChannelStatusand docsIfUpChannelUpdate for details of this procedure.This object contains the ifIndex value of the active upstreamrow whose SCDMA parameters are to be adjusted.Although this object was created to facilitate SCDMA parameteradjustment, it may also be used at the vendor's discretion fornon-SCDMA parameter adjustment.This object must contain a value of zero for active upstream rows. docsIfUpChannelUpdate read-only current Used to perform the transfer of adjusted SCDMA parameters from thetemporary upstream row to the active upstream row indicated by thedocsIfUpChannelCloneFrom object. The transfer is initiated throughan SNMP SET of TRUE to this object. The SNMP SET will fail with aGEN_ERROR (snmpv1) or COMMIT_FAILED_ERROR (snmpv2c/v3) if the adjustedSCDMA parameter values are not compatible with each other.Although this object was created to facilitate SCDMA parameteradjustment, it may also be used at the vendor's discretion fornon-SCDMA parameter adjustment.An SNMP GET of this object always returns FALSE. docsIfUpChannelStatus read-only current This object is generally intended to be used for the creation ofa temporary inactive upstream row for the purpose of adjustingthe SCDMA channel parameters of an active upstream row.The recommended procedure is:1) Create an inactive row through an SNMP SET using createAndWait(5).Use an ifIndex value outside the operational range of the system.2) Set the docsIfUpChannelCloneFrom field to the ifIndex value ofthe active row whose SCDMA parameters require adjustment.3) Adjust the SCDMA parameter values using the new temporary inactiverow.4) Update the active row by setting object docsIfUpChannelUpdate toTRUE. This SET will fail if the adjusted SCDMA parameters are notcompatible with each other.5) Delete the temporary row through an SNMP SET using DELETE.The following restrictions apply to this object:1) This object must contain a value of active(1) for active rows.2) Temporary inactive rows must be created using createAndWait(5).3) The only possible status change of a row created usingcreateAndWait(5) (ie notInService(2)) is to destroy(6).These temporary rows must never become active.4) A status transition from active (1) to destroy (6) is notpermitted. Entries with docsIfUpChannelStatus set to active(1)are logically linked to a physical interface, not temporarilycreated to clone parameters. The Interface MIB (RFC 2863)ifAdminStatus should be used to take an Upstream Channel offline.Although this object was created to facilitate SCDMA parameteradjustment, it may also be used at the vendor's discretion fornon-SCDMA parameter adjustment. docsIfUpChannelPreEqEnable read-only current At the CMTS, used to enable or disable pre-equalization on theupstream channel represented by this table instance.At the CM, this object is read-only and reflects the status ofpre-equalization as represented in the RNG-RSP. docsIfQosProfileTable not-accessible current Describes the attributes for each class of service. docsIfQosProfileEntry not-accessible current Describes the attributes for a single class of service.If implemented as read-create in the Cable ModemTermination System, creation of entries in this table iscontrolled by the value of docsIfCmtsQosProfilePermissions.If implemented as read-only, entries are created basedon information in REG-REQ MAC messages received fromCable Modems (Cable Modem Termination Systemimplementation), or based on information extracted fromthe TFTP option file (Cable Modem implementation).In the Cable Modem Termination system, read-only entriesare removed if no longer referenced bydocsIfCmtsServiceTable.An entry in this table must not be removed while it isreferenced by an entry in docsIfCmServiceTable (Cable Modem)or docsIfCmtsServiceTable (Cable Modem Termination System).An entry in this table should not be changeable whileit is referenced by an entry in docsIfCmtsServiceTable.If this table is created automatically, there should onlybe a single entry for each Class of Service. Multipleentries with the same Class of Service parameters are notrecommended. docsIfQosProfIndex not-accessible current The index value that uniquely identifies an entryin the docsIfQosProfileTable. docsIfQosProfPriority read-only current A relative priority assigned to this service whenallocating bandwidth. Zero indicates lowest priorityand seven indicates highest priority.Interpretation of priority is device-specific.MUST NOT be changed while this row is active. docsIfQosProfMaxUpBandwidth read-only current The maximum upstream bandwidth, in bits per second,allowed for a service with this service class.Zero if there is no restriction of upstream bandwidth.MUST NOT be changed while this row is active. docsIfQosProfGuarUpBandwidth read-only current Minimum guaranteed upstream bandwidth, in bits per second,allowed for a service with this service class.MUST NOT be changed while this row is active. docsIfQosProfMaxDownBandwidth read-only current The maximum downstream bandwidth, in bits per second,allowed for a service with this service class.Zero if there is no restriction of downstream bandwidth.MUST NOT be changed while this row is active. docsIfQosProfMaxTxBurst read-only deprecated The maximum number of mini-slots that may be requestedfor a single upstream transmission.A value of zero means there is no limit.MUST NOT be changed while this row is active.This object has been deprecated and replaced bydocsIfQosProfMaxTransmitBurst, to fix a mismatchof the units and value range with respect to the DOCSISMaximum Upstream Channel Transmit Burst ConfigurationSetting. docsIfQosProfBaselinePrivacy read-only current Indicates whether Baseline Privacy is enabled for thisservice class.MUST NOT be changed while this row is active. docsIfQosProfStatus read-only current This is object is to used to create or delete rows inthis table. This object MUST NOT be changed from activewhile the row is referenced by the any entry in eitherdocsIfCmServiceTable (on the CM), or thedocsIfCmtsServiceTable (on the CMTS). docsIfQosProfMaxTransmitBurst read-only current The maximum number of bytes that may be requested for asingle upstream transmission. A value of zero means thereis no limit. Note: This value does not include anyphysical layer overhead.MUST NOT be changed while this row is active. docsIfSignalQualityTable not-accessible current At the CM, describes the PHY signal quality of downstreamchannels. At the CMTS, describes the PHY signal quality ofupstream channels. At the CMTS, this table may excludecontention intervals. docsIfSignalQualityEntry not-accessible current At the CM, describes the PHY characteristics of adownstream channel. At the CMTS, describes the PHY signalquality of an upstream channel.An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with anifType of docsCableUpstreamChannel(205) for Cable Modem TerminationSystems and docsCableDownstream(128) for Cable Modems. docsIfSigQIncludesContention read-only current true(1) if this CMTS includes contention intervals inthe counters in this table. Always false(2) for CMs. docsIfSigQUnerroreds read-only current Codewords received on this channel without error.This includes all codewords, whether or not theywere part of frames destined for this device. docsIfSigQCorrecteds read-only current Codewords received on this channel with correctableerrors. This includes all codewords, whether or notthey were part of frames destined for this device. docsIfSigQUncorrectables read-only current Codewords received on this channel with uncorrectableerrors. This includes all codewords, whether or notthey were part of frames destined for this device. docsIfSigQSignalNoise read-only current Signal/Noise ratio as perceived for this channel.At the CM, describes the Signal/Noise of the downstreamchannel. At the CMTS, describes the average Signal/Noiseof the upstream channel. docsIfSigQMicroreflections read-only current Total microreflections including in-channel responseas perceived on this interface, measured in dBc belowthe signal level.This object is not assumed to return an absolutelyaccurate value, but should give a rough indicationof microreflections received on this interface.It is up to the implementer to provide informationas accurate as possible. docsIfSigQEqualizationData read-only current At the CM, returns the equalization data for the downstreamchannel. At the CMTS, returns the average equalizationdata for the upstream channel. Returns an empty stringif the value is unknown or if there is no equalizationdata available or defined. docsIfSigQExtUnerroreds read-only current Codewords received on this channel without error.This includes all codewords, whether or not theywere part of frames destined for this device.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfSigQUnerroreds. docsIfSigQExtCorrecteds read-only current Codewords received on this channel with correctableerrors. This includes all codewords, whether or notthey were part of frames destined for this device.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfSigQCorrecteds. docsIfSigQExtUncorrectables read-only current Codewords received on this channel with uncorrectableerrors. This includes all codewords, whether or notthey were part of frames destined for this device.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfSigQUncorrectables. docsIfDocsisBaseCapability read-only current Indication of the DOCSIS capability of the device.This object mirrors docsIfDocsisCapability from theDocsIfExt mib. docsIfCmMacTable not-accessible current Describes the attributes of each CM MAC interface,extending the information available from ifEntry. docsIfCmMacEntry not-accessible current An entry containing objects describing attributes ofeach MAC entry, extending the information in ifEntry.An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with anifType of docsCableMaclayer(127). docsIfCmCmtsAddress read-only current Identifies the CMTS that is believed to control this MACdomain. At the CM, this will be the source address fromSYNC, MAP, and other MAC-layer messages. If the CMTS isunknown, returns 00-00-00-00-00-00. docsIfCmCapabilities read-only current Identifies the capabilities of the MAC implementationat this interface. Note that packet transmission isalways supported. Therefore, there is no specific bitrequired to explicitly indicate this capability.Note that BITS objects are encoded most significant bitfirst. For example, if bit 1 is set, the value of thisobject is the octet string '40'H. docsIfCmRangingTimeout read-write current Waiting time for a Ranging Response packet. docsIfCmStatusTable not-accessible current This table maintains a number of status objectsand counters for Cable Modems. docsIfCmStatusEntry not-accessible current A set of status objects and counters for a single MAClayer instance in a Cable Modem.An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with anifType of docsCableMaclayer(127). docsIfCmStatusValue read-only current Current Cable Modem connectivity state, as specifiedin the RF Interface Specification. Interpretations forstate values 1-12 are clearly outlined in the Document [25]reference given below.As stated in the description for object docsIfCmtsCmStatusValue,accessDenied(13)indicates the CMTS has sent a RegistrationAborted message to the CM. docsIfCmStatusCode read-only current Status code for this Cable Modem as defined in theRF Interface Specification. The status code consistsof a single character indicating error groups, followedby a two- or three-digit number indicating the statuscondition. docsIfCmStatusTxPower read-only current The operational transmit power for the attached upstreamchannel. docsIfCmStatusResets read-only current Number of times the CM reset or initialized this interface. docsIfCmStatusLostSyncs read-only current Number of times the CM lost synchronization withthe downstream channel. docsIfCmStatusInvalidMaps read-only current Number of times the CM received invalid MAP messages. docsIfCmStatusInvalidUcds read-only current Number of times the CM received invalid UCD messages. docsIfCmStatusInvalidRangingResponses read-only current Number of times the CM received invalid ranging responsemessages. docsIfCmStatusInvalidRegistrationResponses read-only current Number of times the CM received invalid registrationresponse messages. docsIfCmStatusT1Timeouts read-only current Number of times counter T1 expired in the CM. docsIfCmStatusT2Timeouts read-only current Number of times counter T2 expired in the CM. docsIfCmStatusT3Timeouts read-only current Number of times counter T3 expired in the CM. docsIfCmStatusT4Timeouts read-only current Number of times counter T4 expired in the CM. docsIfCmStatusRangingAborteds read-only current Number of times the ranging process was abortedby the CMTS. docsIfCmStatusDocsisOperMode read-only current Indication whether the device has registered using 1.0 Class ofService or 1.1 Quality of Service.An unregistered CM should indicate 1.1 QOS for adocsIfDocsisBaseCapability value of Docsis 1.1/2.0. An unregisteredCM should indicate 1.0 COS for a docsIfDocsisBaseCapability valueof Docsis 1.0.This object mirrors docsIfCmDocsisOperMode from the docsIfExt mib. docsIfCmStatusModulationType read-only current Indicates modulation type status currently used by the CM.Since this object specifically identifies PHY mode, the sharedupstream channel type is not permitted. docsIfCmStatusEqualizationData read-only current Pre-equalization data for this CM after convolution withdata indicated in the RNG-RSP.Returns an empty string if the value is unknown or if thereis no equalization data available or defined. The value shouldbe formatted as defined in the following REFERENCE. docsIfCmServiceTable not-accessible current Describes the attributes of each upstream service queueon a CM. docsIfCmServiceEntry not-accessible current Describes the attributes of an upstream bandwidth servicequeue.An entry in this table exists for each Service ID.The primary index is an ifIndex with an ifType ofdocsCableMaclayer(127). docsIfCmServiceId not-accessible current Identifies a service queue for upstream bandwidth. Theattributes of this service queue are shared between theCM and the CMTS. The CMTS allocates upstream bandwidthto this service queue based on requests from the CM andon the class of service associated with this queue. docsIfCmServiceQosProfile read-only current The index in docsIfQosProfileTable describing the qualityof service attributes associated with this particularservice. If no associated entry in docsIfQosProfileTableexists, this object returns a value of zero. docsIfCmServiceTxSlotsImmed read-only current The number of upstream mini-slots which have been used totransmit data PDUs in immediate (contention) mode. Thisincludes only those PDUs that are presumed to havearrived at the headend (i.e., those which were explicitlyacknowledged.) It does not include retransmission attemptsor mini-slots used by Requests. docsIfCmServiceTxSlotsDed read-only current The number of upstream mini-slots which have been used totransmit data PDUs in dedicated mode (i.e., as a resultof a unicast Data Grant). docsIfCmServiceTxRetries read-only current The number of attempts to transmit data PDUs containingrequests for acknowledgment that did not result inacknowledgment. docsIfCmServiceTxExceededs read-only current The number of data PDUs transmission failures due toexcessive retries without acknowledgment. docsIfCmServiceRqRetries read-only current The number of attempts to transmit bandwidth requestswhich did not result in acknowledgment. docsIfCmServiceRqExceededs read-only current The number of requests for bandwidth which failed due toexcessive retries without acknowledgment. docsIfCmServiceExtTxSlotsImmed read-only current The number of upstream mini-slots which have been used totransmit data PDUs in immediate (contention) mode. Thisincludes only those PDUs that are presumed to havearrived at the headend (i.e., those which were explicitlyacknowledged.) It does not include retransmission attemptsor mini-slots used by Requests. docsIfCmServiceExtTxSlotsDed read-only current The number of upstream mini-slots which have been used totransmit data PDUs in dedicated mode (i.e., as a resultof a unicast Data Grant). docsIfCmtsMacTable not-accessible current Describes the attributes of each CMTS MAC interface,extending the information available from ifEntry.Mandatory for all CMTS devices. docsIfCmtsMacEntry not-accessible current An entry containing objects describing attributes of eachMAC entry, extending the information in ifEntry.An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with anifType of docsCableMaclayer(127). docsIfCmtsCapabilities read-only current Identifies the capabilities of the CMTS MACimplementation at this interface. Note that packettransmission is always supported. Therefore, thereis no specific bit required to explicitly indicatethis capability.Note that BITS objects are encoded most significant bitfirst. For example, if bit 1 is set, the value of thisobject is the octet string '40'H. docsIfCmtsSyncInterval read-write current The interval between CMTS transmission of successive SYNCmessages at this interface. docsIfCmtsUcdInterval read-write current The interval between CMTS transmission of successiveUpstream Channel Descriptor messages for each upstreamchannel at this interface. docsIfCmtsMaxServiceIds read-only current The maximum number of service IDs that may besimultaneously active. docsIfCmtsInsertionInterval read-write obsolete The amount of time to elapse between each broadcaststation maintenance grant. Broadcast station maintenancegrants are used to allow new cable modems to join thenetwork. Zero indicates that a vendor-specific algorithmis used instead of a fixed time. Maximum amount of timepermitted by the specification is 2 seconds. docsIfCmtsInvitedRangingAttempts read-write current The maximum number of attempts to make on invitationsfor ranging requests. A value of zero means the systemshould attempt to range forever. docsIfCmtsInsertInterval read-write current The amount of time to elapse between each broadcaststation maintenance grant. Broadcast station maintenancegrants are used to allow new cable modems to join thenetwork. Zero indicates that a vendor-specific algorithmis used instead of a fixed time. Maximum amount of timepermitted by the specification is 2 seconds. docsIfCmtsStatusTable not-accessible current For the MAC layer, this group maintains a number ofstatus objects and counters. docsIfCmtsStatusEntry not-accessible current Status entry for a single MAC layer.An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with anifType of docsCableMaclayer(127). docsIfCmtsStatusInvalidRangeReqs read-only current This object counts invalid RNG-REQ messages received onthis interface. docsIfCmtsStatusRangingAborteds read-only current This object counts ranging attempts that were explicitlyaborted by the CMTS. docsIfCmtsStatusInvalidRegReqs read-only current This object counts invalid REG-REQ messages received onthis interface. That is, syntax, out of range parameters,or erroneous requests. docsIfCmtsStatusFailedRegReqs read-only current This object counts failed registration attempts. Included aredocsIfCmtsStatusInvalidRegReqs, authentication and class ofservice failures. docsIfCmtsStatusInvalidDataReqs read-only current This object counts invalid data request messagesreceived on this interface. docsIfCmtsStatusT5Timeouts read-only current This object counts the number of times counter T5expired on this interface. docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable not-accessible current A set of objects in the CMTS, maintained for eachCable Modem connected to this CMTS. docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry not-accessible current Status information for a single Cable Modem.An entry in this table exists for each Cable Modemthat is connected to the CMTS implementing this table. docsIfCmtsCmStatusIndex not-accessible current Index value to uniquely identify an entry in this table.For an individual Cable Modem, this index value shouldnot change during CMTS uptime. docsIfCmtsCmStatusMacAddress read-only current MAC address of this Cable Modem. If the Cable Modem hasmultiple MAC addresses, this is the MAC address associatedwith the Cable interface. docsIfCmtsCmStatusIpAddress read-only deprecated IP address of this Cable Modem. If the Cable Modem has noIP address assigned, or the IP address is unknown, thisobject returns a value of If the Cable Modem hasmultiple IP addresses, this object returns the IP addressassociated with the Cable interface.This object has been deprecated and replaced bydocsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddressType anddocsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddress, to enable IPv6 addressingin the future. docsIfCmtsCmStatusDownChannelIfIndex read-only current IfIndex of the downstream channel this CM is connectedto. If the downstream channel is unknown, this objectreturns a value of zero. docsIfCmtsCmStatusUpChannelIfIndex read-only current IfIndex of the upstream channel this CM is connectedto. If the upstream channel is unknown, this objectreturns a value of zero. docsIfCmtsCmStatusRxPower read-only current The receive power as perceived for upstream data fromthis Cable Modem.If the receive power is unknown, this object returnsa value of zero. docsIfCmtsCmStatusTimingOffset read-only current A measure of the current round trip time for this CM.Used for timing of CM upstream transmissions to ensuresynchronized arrivals at the CMTS. Units are in termsof 6.25 microseconds/(64*256). Returns zero if the valueis unknown. docsIfCmtsCmStatusEqualizationData read-only current Equalization data for this CM. Returns an empty stringif the value is unknown or if there is no equalizationdata available or defined. docsIfCmtsCmStatusValue read-only current Current Cable Modem connectivity state, as specifiedin the RF Interface Specification. Returned statusinformation is the CM status as assumed by the CMTS,and indicates the following events:other(1)Any state other than below.ranging(2)The CMTS has received an Initial Ranging Requestmessage from the CM, and the ranging process is notyet complete.rangingAborted(3)The CMTS has sent a Ranging Abort message to the CM.rangingComplete(4)The CMTS has sent a Ranging Complete message to the CM.ipComplete(5)The CMTS has received a DHCP reply message and forwardedit to the CM.registrationComplete(6)The CMTS has sent a Registration Response message tothe CM.accessDenied(7)The CMTS has sent a Registration Aborted messageto the CM.operational(8)If Baseline Privacy is enabled for the CM, the CMTS hascompleted Baseline Privacy initialization. If BaselinePrivacy is not enabled, equivalent to registrationComplete.The CMTS only needs to report states it is able to detect. docsIfCmtsCmStatusUnerroreds read-only current Codewords received without error from this Cable Modem. docsIfCmtsCmStatusCorrecteds read-only current Codewords received with correctable errors from thisCable Modem. docsIfCmtsCmStatusUncorrectables read-only current Codewords received with uncorrectable errors from thisCable Modem. docsIfCmtsCmStatusSignalNoise read-only current Signal/Noise ratio as perceived for upstream data fromthis Cable Modem.If the Signal/Noise is unknown, this object returnsa value of zero. docsIfCmtsCmStatusMicroreflections read-only current Total microreflections including in-channel responseas perceived on this interface, measured in dBc belowthe signal level.This object is not assumed to return an absolutelyaccurate value, but should give a rough indicationof microreflections received on this interface.It is up to the implementer to provide informationas accurate as possible. docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtUnerroreds read-only current Codewords received without error from this Cable Modem. docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtCorrecteds read-only current Codewords received with correctable errors from thisCable Modem. docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtUncorrectables read-only current Codewords received with uncorrectable errors from thisCable Modem. docsIfCmtsCmStatusDocsisRegMode read-only current Indication whether the CM has registered using 1.0 Class ofService or 1.1 Quality of Service.This object mirrors docsIfCmtsCmStatusDocsisMode from thedocsIfExt mib. docsIfCmtsCmStatusModulationType read-only current Indicates modulation type currently used by the CM. Sincethis object specifically identifies PHY mode, the sharedtype is not permitted. If the upstream channel is unknown,this object returns a value of zero. docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddressType read-only current The type of internet address ofdocsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddress. If the cable modemInternet address is unassigned or unknown, then thevalue of this object is unknown(0). docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddress read-only current Internet address of this Cable Modem. If the Cable Modemhas no Internet address assigned, or the Internet addressis unknown, the value of this object is the empty string.If the Cable Modem has multiple Internet addresses, thisobject returns the Internet address associated with theCable (i.e. RF MAC) interface. docsIfCmtsServiceTable not-accessible current Describes the attributes of upstream service queuesin a Cable Modem Termination System. docsIfCmtsServiceEntry not-accessible current Describes the attributes of a single upstream bandwidthservice queue.Expires May 2002 [Page 52]INTERNET-DRAFT DOCSIS RF Interface MIB November 2001Entries in this table exist for each ifEntry with anifType of docsCableMaclayer(127), and for each servicequeue (Service ID) within this MAC layer.Entries in this table are created with the creation ofindividual Service IDs by the MAC layer and removedwhen a Service ID is removed. docsIfCmtsServiceId not-accessible current Identifies a service queue for upstream bandwidth. Theattributes of this service queue are shared between theCable Modem and the Cable Modem Termination System.The CMTS allocates upstream bandwidth to this servicequeue based on requests from the CM and on the class ofservice associated with this queue. docsIfCmtsServiceCmStatusIndex read-only deprecated Pointer to an entry in docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable identifyingthe Cable Modem using this Service Queue. If multipleCable Modems are using this Service Queue, the value ofthis object is zero.This object has been deprecated and replaced bydocsIfCmtsServiceNewCmStatusIndex, to fix a mismatchof the value range with respect to docsIfCmtsCmStatusIndex(1..2147483647). docsIfCmtsServiceAdminStatus read-write current Allows a service class for a particular modem to besuppressed, (re-)enabled, or deleted altogether. docsIfCmtsServiceQosProfile read-only current The index in docsIfQosProfileTable describing the qualityof service attributes associated with this particularservice. If no associated docsIfQosProfileTable entryexists, this object returns a value of zero. docsIfCmtsServiceCreateTime read-only current The value of sysUpTime when this entry was created. docsIfCmtsServiceInOctets read-only current The cumulative number of Packet Data octets receivedon this Service ID. The count does not include thesize of the Cable MAC header docsIfCmtsServiceInPackets read-only current The cumulative number of Packet Data packets receivedon this Service ID. docsIfCmtsServiceNewCmStatusIndex read-only current Pointer (via docsIfCmtsCmStatusIndex) to an entry indocsIfCmtsCmStatusTable identifying the Cable Modemusing this Service Queue. If multiple Cable Modems areusing this Service Queue, the value of this object iszero. docsIfCmtsModulationTable not-accessible current Describes a modulation profile associated with one or moreupstream channels. docsIfCmtsModulationEntry not-accessible current Describes a modulation profile for an Interval Usage Codefor one or more upstream channels.Entries in this table are created by the operator. Initialdefault entries may be created at system initializationtime. No individual objects have to be specified in orderto create an entry in this table.Note that some objects do not have DEFVALs, but do havecalculated defaults and need not be specified during rowcreation.There is no restriction on the changing of values in thistable while their associated rows are active. docsIfCmtsModIndex not-accessible current An index into the Channel Modulation table representinga group of Interval Usage Codes, all associated with thesame channel. docsIfCmtsModIntervalUsageCode not-accessible current An index into the Channel Modulation table which, whengrouped with other Interval Usage Codes, fullyinstantiate all modulation sets for a given upstreamchannel. docsIfCmtsModControl read-create current Controls and reflects the status of rows in this table. docsIfCmtsModType read-create current The modulation type used on this channel. Returnsother(1) if the modulation type is neitherqpsk, qam16, qam8, qam32, qam64 or qam128.Type qam128 is used for SCDMA channels only.See the reference for the modulation profilesimplied by different modulation types. docsIfCmtsModPreambleLen read-create current The preamble length for this modulation profile in bits.Default value is the minimum needed by the implementationat the CMTS for the given modulation profile. docsIfCmtsModDifferentialEncoding read-create current Specifies whether or not differential encoding is usedon this channel. docsIfCmtsModFECErrorCorrection read-create current The number of correctable errored bytes (t) used inforward error correction code. The value of 0 indicatesno correction is employed. The number of check bytesappended will be twice this value. docsIfCmtsModFECCodewordLength read-create current The number of data bytes (k) in the forward errorcorrection codeword.This object is not used if docsIfCmtsModFECErrorCorrectionis zero. docsIfCmtsModScramblerSeed read-create current The 15 bit seed value for the scrambler polynomial. docsIfCmtsModMaxBurstSize read-create current The maximum number of mini-slots that can be transmittedduring this channel's burst time. Returns zero if theburst length is bounded by the allocation MAP rather thanthis profile.Default value is 0 except for shortData, where it is 8. docsIfCmtsModGuardTimeSize read-only current The number of symbol-times which must follow the end ofthis channel's burst. Default value is the minimum timeneeded by the implementation for this modulation profile. docsIfCmtsModLastCodewordShortened read-create current Indicates if the last FEC codeword is truncated. docsIfCmtsModScrambler read-create current Indicates if the scrambler is employed. docsIfCmtsModByteInterleaverDepth read-create current ATDMA Byte Interleaver Depth (Ir). This object returns 1 fornon ATDMA profiles. docsIfCmtsModByteInterleaverBlockSize read-create current ATDMA Byte Interleaver Block size (Br). This object returnszero for non ATDMA profiles docsIfCmtsModPreambleType read-create current Preamble type for DOCSIS 2.0 bursts docsIfCmtsModTcmErrorCorrectionOn read-create current Trellis Code Modulation (TCM) On/Off. This value returns false fornon S-CDMA profiles. docsIfCmtsModScdmaInterleaverStepSize read-create current S-CDMA Interleaver step size. This value returns zerofor non S-CDMA profiles. docsIfCmtsModScdmaSpreaderEnable read-create current S-CDMA spreader. This value returns false for non S-CDMAprofiles. Default value for IUC 3 and 4 is OFF, forall other IUCs it is ON. docsIfCmtsModScdmaSubframeCodes read-create current S-CDMA sub-frame size. This value returns zerofor non S-CDMA profiles. docsIfCmtsModChannelType read-create current Describes the modulation channel type for this modulation entry. docsIfCmtsQosProfilePermissions read-write current This object specifies permitted methods of creatingentries in docsIfQosProfileTable.CreateByManagement(0) is set if entries can be createdusing SNMP. UpdateByManagement(1) is set if updatingentries using SNMP is permitted. CreateByModems(2)is set if entries can be created based on informationin REG-REQ MAC messages received from Cable Modems.Information in this object is only applicable ifdocsIfQosProfileTable is implemented as read-create.Otherwise, this object is implemented as read-onlyand returns CreateByModems(2).Either CreateByManagement(0) or CreateByModems(1)must be set when writing to this object.Note that BITS objects are encoded most significant bitfirst. For example, if bit 2 is set, the value of thisobject is the octet string '20'H. docsIfCmtsMacToCmTable not-accessible current This is a table to provide a quick access index into thedocsIfCmtsCmStatusTable. There is exactly one row in thistable for each row in the docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable. Ingeneral, the management station should use this table onlyto get a pointer into the docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable (whichcorresponds to the CM's RF interface MAC address), andshould not iterate (e.g. GetNext through) this table. docsIfCmtsMacToCmEntry not-accessible current A row in the docsIfCmtsMacToCmTable.An entry in this table exists for each Cable Modemthat is connected to the CMTS implementing this table. docsIfCmtsCmMac not-accessible current The RF side MAC address for the referenced CM. (E.g. theinterface on the CM that has docsCableMacLayer(127) asits ifType. docsIfCmtsCmPtr read-only current An row index into docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable. When queriedwith the correct instance value (e.g. a CM's MAC address),returns the index in docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable whichrepresents that CM. docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval read-write current The time interval in seconds over which the channel utilizationindex is calculated. All upstream/downstream channels use thesame docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval.Setting a value of zero disables utilization reporting.A channel utilization index is calculated over a fixed windowapplying to the most recent docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval.It would therefore be prudent to use a relatively shortdocsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval. docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationTable not-accessible current Reports utilization statistics for attached upstream anddownstream physical channels. docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationEntry not-accessible current Utilization statistics for a single upstream or downstreamphysical channel. An entry exists in this table for eachifEntry with an ifType equal to docsCableDownstreamInterface(128) or docsCableUpstreamInterface (129). docsIfCmtsChannelUtIfType not-accessible current The secondary index into this table. Indicates the IANAinterface type associated with this physical channel. OnlydocsCableDownstreamInterface (128) anddocsCableUpstreamInterface (129) are valid. docsIfCmtsChannelUtId not-accessible current The tertiary index into this table. Indicates the CMTSidentifier for this physical channel. docsIfCmtsChannelUtUtilization read-only current The calculated and truncated utilization index for thisphysical upstream or downstream channel, accurate as ofthe most recent docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval.Upstream Channel Utilization Index:The upstream channel utilization index is expressed as apercentage of minislots utilized on the physical channel, regardlessof burst type. For an Initial Maintenance region, the minislotsfor the complete region are considered utilized if the CMTSreceived an upstream burst within the region from any CM on thephysical channel. For contention REQ and REQ/DATA regions, theminislots for a transmission opportunity within the region areconsidered utilized if the CMTS received an upstream burst withinthe opportunity from any CM on the physical channel. For all otherregions, utilized minislots are those in which the CMTS grantedbandwidth to any unicast SID on the physical channel.For an upstream interface that has multiple logical upstreamchannels enabled, the utilization index is a weighted sum ofutilization indices for the logical channels. The weight foreach utilization index is the percentage of upstream minislotsallocated for the corresponding logical channel.Example:If 75% of bandwidth is allocated to the first logical channeland 25% to the second, and the utilization indices for each are60 and 40 respectively, the utilization index for the upstreamphysical channel is (60 * 0.75) + (40 * 0.25) = 55. This figureapplies to the most recent utilization interval.Downstream Channel Utilization Index:The downstream channel utilization index is a percentage expressingthe ratio between bytes used to transmit data versus the total numberof bytes transmitted in the raw bandwidth of the MPEG channel. Aswith the upstream utilization index, the calculated value representsthe most recent utilization interval.Formula:Downstream utilization index =(100 * (data bytes / raw bytes)) =(100 * ((raw bytes - stuffed bytes) / raw bytes))Definitions:Data bytes: Number of bytes transmitted as data docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterTable not-accessible current This table is implemented at the CMTS to collect downstreamchannel statistics for utilization calculations. docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry not-accessible current An entry provides a list of traffic counters for a singledownstream channel.An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with anifType of docsCableDownstream(128). docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrId read-only current The Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) identificationof the downstream channel within this particular MACinterface. If the interface is down, the object returnsthe most current value. If the downstream channel ID isunknown, this object returns a value of 0. docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrTotalBytes read-only current At the CMTS, the total number of bytes in the Payload portionof MPEG Packets (ie. not including MPEG header or pointer_field)transported by this downstream channel since CMTS initialization.This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtTotalBytes,included to provide back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers. docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrUsedBytes read-only current At the CMTS, the total number of DOCSIS data bytes transportedby this downstream channel since CMTS initialization. The numberof data bytes is defined as the total number of bytes transportedin DOCSIS payloads minus the number of stuff bytes transported inDOCSIS payloads.This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtUsedBytes,included to provide back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers. docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtTotalBytes read-only current At the CMTS, the total number of bytes in the Payload portionof MPEG Packets (ie. not including MPEG header or pointer_field)transported by this downstream channel since CMTS initialization.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrTotalBytes, andwill not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers. docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtUsedBytes read-only current At the CMTS, the total number of DOCSIS data bytes transportedby this downstream channel since CMTS initialization. The numberof data bytes is defined as the total number of bytes transportedin DOCSIS payloads minus the number of stuff bytes transported inDOCSIS payloads.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrUsedBytes, andwill not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers. docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterTable not-accessible current This table is implemented at the CMTS to provide upstreamchannel statistics appropriate for channel utilizationcalculations. docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry not-accessible current List of traffic statistics for a single upstream channel.For Docsis 2.0 CMTSs, an entry in this table exists foreach ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableUpstreamChannel (205).For Docsis 1.x CMTSs, an entry in this table exists for eachifEntry with an ifType of docsCableUpstreamInterface (129). docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrId read-only current The CMTS identification of the upstream channel. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of all minislotsdefined for this upstream logical channel. This count includesall IUCs and SIDs, even those allocated to the NULL SID fora 2.0 logical channel which is inactive.This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalMslots,and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is mandatory. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUcastGrantedMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of unicast grantedminislots on the upstream logical channel, regardless of bursttype. Unicast granted minislots are those in which the CMTSassigned bandwidth to any unicast SID on the logical channel.This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUcastGrantedMslots,and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is mandatory. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention minislotsdefined for this upstream logical channel. This count includesall minislots assigned to a broadcast or multicast SID on thelogical channel.This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnMslots,and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is mandatory. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention minislotsutilized on the upstream logical channel. For contention regions,utilized minislots are those in which the CMTS correctly receivedan upstream burst from any CM on the upstream logical channel.This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnMslots,and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is mandatory. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of all minislotsdefined for this upstream logical channel. This count includesall IUCs and SIDs, even those allocated to the NULL SID fora 2.0 logical channel which is inactive.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalMslots,and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is mandatory. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUcastGrantedMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of unicast grantedminislots on the upstream logical channel, regardless of bursttype. Unicast granted minislots are those in which the CMTSassigned bandwidth to any unicast SID on the logical channel.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUcastGrantedMslots,and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is mandatory. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention minislotsdefined for this upstream logical channel. This count includesall minislots assigned to a broadcast or multicast SID on thelogical channel.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnMslots,and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is mandatory. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention minislotsutilized on the upstream logical channel. For contention regions,utilized minislots are those in which the CMTS correctly receivedan upstream burst from any CM on the upstream logical channel.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnMslots,and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is mandatory. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention minislotssubjected to collisions on the upstream logical channel. Forcontention regions, these are the minislots applicable to burststhat the CMTS detected, but could not correctly receive.This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnMslots,and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,a value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnReqMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention requestminislots defined for this upstream logical channel. This countincludes all minislots for IUC1 assigned to a broadcast or multicastSID on the logical channel.This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnReqMslots,and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnReqMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention requestminislots utilized on this upstream logical channel. This countincludes all contention minislots for IUC1 applicable to burststhat the CMTS correctly received.This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnReqMslots,and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnReqMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention requestminislots subjected to collisions on this upstream logical channel.This includes all contention minislots for IUC1 applicable to burststhat the CMTS detected, but could not correctly receive.This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnReqMslots,and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnReqDataMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention requestdata minislots defined for this upstream logical channel. This countincludes all minislots for IUC2 assigned to a broadcast or multicastSID on the logical channel.This is the 32 bit version ofdocsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnReqDataMslots,and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnReqDataMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention requestdata minislots utilized on this upstream logical channel. Thisincludes all contention minislots for IUC2 applicable to burststhat the CMTS correctly received.This is the 32 bit version ofdocsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnReqDataMslots,and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnReqDataMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention requestdata minislots subjected to collisions on this upstream logicalchannel. This includes all contention minislots for IUC2 applicableto bursts that the CMTS detected, but could not correctly receive.This is the 32 bit version ofdocsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnReqDataMslots,and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnInitMaintMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention initialmaintenance minislots defined for this upstream logical channel.This includes all minislots for IUC3 assigned to a broadcast ormulticast SID on the logical channel.This is the 32 bit version ofdocsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnInitMaintMslots,and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnInitMaintMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention initialmaintenance minislots utilized on this upstream logical channel.This includes all contention minislots for IUC3 applicable to burststhat the CMTS correctly received.This is the 32 bit version ofdocsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnInitMaintMslots,and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnInitMaintMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention initialmaintenance minislots subjected to collisions on this upstreamlogical channel. This includes all contention minislots for IUC3applicable to bursts that the CMTS detected, but could not correctlyreceive.This is the 32 bit version ofdocsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnInitMaintMslots,and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of collision contentionminislots on the upstream logical channel. For contention regions,these are the minislots applicable to bursts that the CMTS detected,but could not correctly receive.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnMslots,and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,a value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnReqMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention requestminislots defined for this upstream logical channel. This countincludes all minislots for IUC1 assigned to a broadcast or multicastSID on the logical channel.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnReqMslots,and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnReqMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention requestminislots utilized on this upstream logical channel. This countincludes all contention minislots for IUC1 applicable to burststhat the CMTS correctly received.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnReqMslots,and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnReqMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention requestminislots subjected to collisions on this upstream logical channel.This includes all contention minislots for IUC1 applicable to burststhat the CMTS detected, but could not correctly receive.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnReqMslots,and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnReqDataMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention requestdata minislots defined for this upstream logical channel. This countincludes all minislots for IUC2 assigned to a broadcast or multicastSID on the logical channel.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnReqDataMslots,and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnReqDataMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention requestdata minislots utilized on this upstream logical channel. Thisincludes all contention minislots for IUC2 applicable to burststhat the CMTS correctly received.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnReqDataMslots,and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnReqDataMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention requestdata minislots subjected to collisions on this upstream logicalchannel. This includes all contention minislots for IUC2 applicableto bursts that the CMTS detected, but could not correctly receive.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnReqDataMslots,and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnInitMaintMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of initial maintenanceminislots defined for this upstream logical channel. This countincludes all minislots for IUC3 assigned to a broadcast or multicastSID on the logical channel.This is the 64 bit version ofdocsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnInitMaintMslots,and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnInitMaintMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of initial maintenanceminislots utilized on this upstream logical channel. Thisincludes all contention minislots for IUC3 applicable to burststhat the CMTS correctly received.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnInitMaintMslots,and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnInitMaintMslots read-only current Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention initialmaintenance minislots subjected to collisions on this upstreamlogical channel. This includes all contention minislots for IUC3applicable to bursts that the CMTS detected, but could not correctlyreceive.This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnInitMaintMslots,and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers.Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported,A value of zero is returned. usmDHParameters read-write current The public Diffie-Hellman parameters for doing a Diffie-Hellmankey agreement for this device. This is encoded as an ASN.1DHParameter per PKCS #3, section 9. E.g.DHParameter ::= SEQUENCE {prime INTEGER, -- pbase INTEGER, -- gprivateValueLength INTEGER OPTIONAL }Implementors are encouraged to use either the values fromOakley Group 1 or the values of from Oakley Group 2 as specifiedin RFC-2409, The Internet Key Exchange, Section 6.1, 6.2 as thedefault for this object. Other values may be used, but thesecurity properties of those values MUST be well understood andMUST meet the requirements of PKCS #3 for the selection ofDiffie-Hellman primes.In addition, any time usmDHParameters changes, all values oftype DHKeyChange will change and new random numbers MUST begenerated by the agent for each DHKeyChange object. usmDHUserKeyTable not-accessible current This table augments and extends the usmUserTable and provides4 objects which exactly mirror the objects in that table with thetextual convention of 'KeyChange'. This extension allows keychanges to be done in a manner where the knowledge of the currentsecret plus knowledge of the key change data exchanges (e.g. viawiretapping) will not reveal the new key. usmDHUserKeyEntry not-accessible current A row of DHKeyChange objects which augment or replace thefunctionality of the KeyChange objects in the base table row. usmDHUserAuthKeyChange read-create current The object used to change any given user's Authentication Keyusing a Diffie-Hellman key exchange.The right-most n bits of the shared secret 'sk', where 'n' is thenumber of bits required for the protocol defined byusmUserAuthProtocol, are installed as the operationalauthentication key for this row after a successful SET. usmDHUserOwnAuthKeyChange read-create current The object used to change the agents own Authentication Keyusing a Diffie-Hellman key exchange.The right-most n bits of the shared secret 'sk', where 'n' is thenumber of bits required for the protocol defined byusmUserAuthProtocol, are installed as the operationalauthentication key for this row after a successful SET. usmDHUserPrivKeyChange read-create current The object used to change any given user's Privacy Key usinga Diffie-Hellman key exchange.The right-most n bits of the shared secret 'sk', where 'n' is thenumber of bits required for the protocol defined byusmUserPrivProtocol, are installed as the operational privacy keyfor this row after a successful SET. usmDHUserOwnPrivKeyChange read-create current The object used to change the agent's own Privacy Key using aDiffie-Hellman key exchange.The right-most n bits of the shared secret 'sk', where 'n' is thenumber of bits required for the protocol defined byusmUserPrivProtocol, are installed as the operational privacy keyfor this row after a successful SET. usmDHKickstartTable not-accessible current A table of mappings between zero or more Diffie-Helman keyagreement values and entries in the usmUserTable. Entries in thistable are created by providing the associated device with aDiffie-Helman public value and a usmUserName/usmUserSecurityNamepair during initialization. How these values are provided isoutside the scope of this MIB, but could be provided manually, orthrough a configuration file. Valid public value/name pairsresult in the creation of a row in this table as well as thecreation of an associated row (with keys derived as indicated) inthe usmUserTable. The actual access the related usmSecurityNamehas is dependent on the entries in the VACM tables. In general,an implementor will specify one or more standard security namesand will provide entries in the VACM tables granting variouslevels of access to those names. The actual content of the VACMtable is beyond the scope of this MIB.Note: This table is expected to be readable without authenticationusing the usmUserSecurityName 'dhKickstart'. See the conformancestatements for details. usmDHKickstartEntry not-accessible current A table of mappings between zero or more Diffie-Helman keyagreement values and entries in the usmUserTable. Entries in thistable are created by providing the associated device with aDiffie-Helman public value and a usmUserName/usmUserSecurityNamepair during initialization. How these values are provided isoutside the scope of this MIB, but could be provided manually, orthrough a configuration file. Valid public value/name pairsresult in the creation of a row in this table as well as thecreation of an associated row (with keys derived as indicated) inthe usmUserTable. The actual access the related usmSecurityNamehas is dependent on the entries in the VACM tables. In general,an implementor will specify one or more standard security namesand will provide entries in the VACM tables granting variouslevels of access to those names. The actual content of the VACMtable is beyond the scope of this MIB.Note: This table is expected to be readable without authenticationusing the usmUserSecurityName 'dhKickstart'. See the conformancestatements for details. usmDHKickstartIndex not-accessible current Index value for this row. usmDHKickstartMyPublic read-only current The agent's Diffie-Hellman public value for this row. Atinitialization, the agent generates a random number and derivesits public value from that number. This public value is publishedhere. This public value 'y' equals g^r MOD p where g is the fromthe set of Diffie-Hellman parameters, p is the prime from thoseparameters, and r is a random integer selected by the agent in theinterval 2^(l-1) (= r ( p-1 ( 2^l. If l is unspecified, then r isa random integer selected in the interval 0 (= r ( p-1The public value is expressed as an OCTET STRING 'PV' of length'k' which satisfiesky = SUM 2^(8(k-i)) PV'ii = 1where PV1,...,PVk are the octets of PV from first to last, andwhere PV1 != 0.The following DH parameters (Oakley group #2, RFC 2409, sec 6.1,6.2) are used for this object:g = 2p = FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF C90FDAA2 2168C234 C4C6628B 80DC1CD129024E08 8A67CC74 020BBEA6 3B139B22 514A0879 8E3404DDEF9519B3 CD3A431B 302B0A6D F25F1437 4FE1356D 6D51C245E485B576 625E7EC6 F44C42E9 A637ED6B 0BFF5CB6 F406B7EDEE386BFB 5A899FA5 AE9F2411 7C4B1FE6 49286651 ECE65381FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFl=1024 usmDHKickstartMgrPublic read-only current The agent's Diffie-Hellman public value for this row. Atinitialization, the agent generates a random number and derivesits public value from that number. This public value is publishedhere. This public value 'y' equals g^r MOD p where g is the fromthe set of Diffie-Hellman parameters, p is the prime from thoseparameters, and r is a random integer selected by the agent in theinterval 2^(l-1) (= r ( p-1 ( 2^l. If l is unspecified, then r isa random integer selected in the interval 0 (= r ( p-1The public value is expressed as an OCTET STRING 'PV' of length'k' which satisfiesky = SUM 2^(8(k-i)) PV'ii = 1where PV1,...,PVk are the octets of PV from first to last, andwhere PV1 != 0.The following DH parameters (Oakley group #2, RFC 2409, sec 6.1,6.2) are used for this object:g = 2p = FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF C90FDAA2 2168C234 C4C6628B 80DC1CD129024E08 8A67CC74 020BBEA6 3B139B22 514A0879 8E3404DDEF9519B3 CD3A431B 302B0A6D F25F1437 4FE1356D 6D51C245E485B576 625E7EC6 F44C42E9 A637ED6B 0BFF5CB6 F406B7EDEE386BFB 5A899FA5 AE9F2411 7C4B1FE6 49286651 ECE65381FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFl=1024 usmDHKickstartSecurityName read-only current The usmUserName and usmUserSecurityName in the usmUserTableassociated with this row. This is provided in the same manner andat the same time as the usmDHKickstartMgrPublic value -e.g. possibly manually, or via the device's configuration file. igmpInterfaceTable not-accessible current The (conceptual) table listing the interfaces on which IGMPis enabled. igmpInterfaceEntry not-accessible current An entry (conceptual row) representing an interface onwhich IGMP is enabled. igmpInterfaceIfIndex not-accessible current The ifIndex value of the interface for which IGMP isenabled. igmpInterfaceQueryInterval read-create current The frequency at which IGMP Host-Query packets aretransmitted on this interface. igmpInterfaceStatus read-create current The activation of a row enables IGMP on the interface. Thedestruction of a row disables IGMP on the interface. igmpInterfaceVersion read-create current The version of IGMP which is running on this interface.This object can be used to configure a router capable ofrunning either value. For IGMP to function correctly, allrouters on a LAN must be configured to run the same versionof IGMP on that LAN. igmpInterfaceQuerier read-only current The address of the IGMP Querier on the IP subnet to whichthis interface is attached. igmpInterfaceQueryMaxResponseTime read-create current The maximum query response time advertised in IGMPv2queries on this interface. igmpInterfaceQuerierUpTime read-only current The time since igmpInterfaceQuerier was last changed. igmpInterfaceQuerierExpiryTime read-only current The amount of time remaining before the Other QuerierPresent Timer expires. If the local system is the querier,the value of this object is zero. igmpInterfaceVersion1QuerierTimer read-only current The time remaining until the host assumes that there are noIGMPv1 routers present on the interface. While this is non-zero, the host will reply to all queries with version 1membership reports. igmpInterfaceWrongVersionQueries read-only current The number of queries received whose IGMP version does notmatch igmpInterfaceVersion, over the lifetime of the rowentry. IGMP requires that all routers on a LAN beconfigured to run the same version of IGMP. Thus, if anyqueries are received with the wrong version, this indicatesa configuration error. igmpInterfaceJoins read-only current The number of times a group membership has been added onthis interface; that is, the number of times an entry forthis interface has been added to the Cache Table. Thisobject gives an indication of the amount of IGMP activityover the lifetime of the row entry. igmpInterfaceProxyIfIndex read-create current Some devices implement a form of IGMP proxying wherebymemberships learned on the interface represented by thisrow, cause IGMP Host Membership Reports to be sent on theinterface whose ifIndex value is given by this object. Sucha device would implement the igmpV2RouterMIBGroup only onits router interfaces (those interfaces with non-zeroigmpInterfaceProxyIfIndex). Typically, the value of thisobject is 0, indicating that no proxying is being done. igmpInterfaceGroups read-only current The current number of entries for this interface in theCache Table. igmpInterfaceRobustness read-create current The Robustness Variable allows tuning for the expectedpacket loss on a subnet. If a subnet is expected to belossy, the Robustness Variable may be increased. IGMP isrobust to (Robustness Variable-1) packet losses. igmpInterfaceLastMembQueryIntvl read-create current The Last Member Query Interval is the Max Response Timeinserted into Group-Specific Queries sent in response toLeave Group messages, and is also the amount of time betweenGroup-Specific Query messages. This value may be tuned tomodify the leave latency of the network. A reduced valueresults in reduced time to detect the loss of the lastmember of a group. The value of this object is irrelevantif igmpInterfaceVersion is 1. igmpCacheTable not-accessible current The (conceptual) table listing the IP multicast groups forwhich there are members on a particular interface. igmpCacheEntry not-accessible current An entry (conceptual row) in the igmpCacheTable. igmpCacheAddress not-accessible current The IP multicast group address for which this entrycontains information. igmpCacheIfIndex not-accessible current The interface for which this entry contains information foran IP multicast group address. igmpCacheSelf read-create current An indication of whether the local system is a member ofthis group address on this interface. igmpCacheLastReporter read-only current The IP address of the source of the last membership reportreceived for this IP Multicast group address on thisinterface. If no membership report has been received, thisobject has the value igmpCacheUpTime read-only current The time elapsed since this entry was created. igmpCacheExpiryTime read-only current The minimum amount of time remaining before this entry willbe aged out. A value of 0 indicates that the entry is onlypresent because igmpCacheSelf is true and that if the routerleft the group, this entry would be aged out immediately.Note that some implementations may process membershipreports from the local system in the same way as reportsfrom other hosts, so a value of 0 is not required. igmpCacheStatus read-create current The status of this entry. igmpCacheVersion1HostTimer read-only current The time remaining until the local router will assume thatthere are no longer any IGMP version 1 members on the IPsubnet attached to this interface. Upon hearing any IGMPv1Membership Report, this value is reset to the groupmembership timer. While this time remaining is non-zero,the local router ignores any IGMPv2 Leave messages for thisgroup that it receives on this interface. docsBpiCmBaseTable not-accessible current This table describes the basic and authorization-related BaselinePrivacy attributes of each CM MAC interface. docsBpiCmBaseEntry not-accessible current Each entry contains objects describing attributes of one CM MACinterface. An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with anifType of docsCableMaclayer(127). docsBpiCmPrivacyEnable read-only current This object identifies whether this CM is provisioned to runBaseline Privacy. This is analogous to the presence (or absence)of the Baseline Privacy Configuration Setting option. The statusof each individual SID with respect to Baseline Privacy iscaptured in the docsBpiCmTEKPrivacyEnable object. docsBpiCmPublicKey read-only current The value of this object is a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey ASN.1 typestring, as defined in the RSA Encryption Standard (PKCS #1) [22],corresponding to the public key of the CM. The 74, 106, 140, and270 byte key encoding lengths correspond to 512 bit, 768 bit, 1024bit, and 2048 public moduli respectively. docsBpiCmAuthState read-only current The value of this object is the state of the CM authorizationFSM. The start state indicates that FSM is in its initial state. docsBpiCmAuthKeySequenceNumber read-only current The value of this object is the authorization key sequence numberfor this FSM. docsBpiCmAuthExpires read-only current The value of this object is the actual clock time when the currentauthorization for this FSM expires. If the CM does not have an activeauthorization, then the value is of the expiration date and time ofthe last active authorization. docsBpiCmAuthReset read-write current Setting this object to TRUE generates a Reauthorize event in theauthorization FSM. Reading this object always returns FALSE. docsBpiCmAuthGraceTime read-only current The value of this object is the grace time for an authorization key.A CM is expected to start trying to get a new authorization keybeginning AuthGraceTime seconds before the authorization key actuallyexpires. docsBpiCmTEKGraceTime read-only current The value of this object is the grace time for a TEK. A CM isexpected to start trying to get a new TEK beginning TEKGraceTimeseconds before the TEK actually expires. docsBpiCmAuthWaitTimeout read-only current The value of this object is the Authorize Wait Timeout. docsBpiCmReauthWaitTimeout read-only current The value of this object is the Reauthorize Wait Timeout in seconds. docsBpiCmOpWaitTimeout read-only current The value of this object is the Operational Wait Timeout in seconds. docsBpiCmRekeyWaitTimeout read-only current The value of this object is the Rekey Wait Timeout in seconds. docsBpiCmAuthRejectWaitTimeout read-only current The value of this object is the Authorization Reject Wait Timeout inseconds. docsBpiCmAuthRequests read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CM hastransmitted an Authorization Request message. docsBpiCmAuthReplies read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CM hasreceived an Authorization Reply message. docsBpiCmAuthRejects read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CM hasreceived an Authorization Reject message. docsBpiCmAuthInvalids read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CM hasreceived an Authorization Invalid message. docsBpiCmAuthRejectErrorCode read-only current The value of this object is the enumerated description of theError-Code in most recent Authorization Reject message received bythe CM. This has value unknown(2) if the last Error-Code value was0, and none(1) if no Authorization Reject message has been receivedsince reboot. docsBpiCmAuthRejectErrorString read-only current The value of this object is the Display-String in most recentAuthorization Reject message received by the CM. This is a zerolength string if no Authorization Reject message has been receivedsince reboot. docsBpiCmAuthInvalidErrorCode read-only current The value of this object is the enumerated description of theError-Code in most recent Authorization Invalid message received bythe CM. This has value unknown(2) if the last Error-Code value was0, and none(1) if no Authorization Invalid message has been receivedsince reboot. docsBpiCmAuthInvalidErrorString read-only current The value of this object is the Display-String in most recentAuthorization Invalid message received by the CM. This is a zerolength string if no Authorization Invalid message has been receivedsince reboot. docsBpiCmTEKTable not-accessible current This table describes the attributes of each CM Traffic Encryption Key(TEK) association. The CM maintains (no more than) one TEK associationper SID per CM MAC interface. docsBpiCmTEKEntry not-accessible current Each entry contains objects describing the TEK association attributesof one SID. The CM MUST create one entry per unicast SID, regardlessof whether the SID was obtained from a Registration Response message,or from an Authorization Reply message. docsBpiCmTEKPrivacyEnable read-only current This object identifies whether this SID is provisioned to runBaseline Privacy. This is analogous to enabling Baseline Privacy ona provisioned SID using the Class-of-Service Privacy Enable option.Baseline Privacy is not effectively enabled for any SID unlessBaseline Privacy is enabled for the CM, which is managed via thedocsBpiCmPrivacyEnable object. docsBpiCmTEKState read-only current The value of this object is the state of the indicated TEK FSM.The start(1) state indicates that FSM is in its initial state. docsBpiCmTEKExpiresOld read-only current The value of this object is the actual clock time for expirationof the immediate predecessor of the most recent TEK for this FSM.If this FSM has only one TEK, then the value is the time of activationof this FSM. docsBpiCmTEKExpiresNew read-only current The value of this object is the actual clock time for expirationof the most recent TEK for this FSM. docsBpiCmTEKKeyRequests read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CM has transmitteda Key Request message. docsBpiCmTEKKeyReplies read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CM has receiveda Key Reply message, including a message whose authentication failed. docsBpiCmTEKKeyRejects read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CM has receiveda Key Reject message, including a message whose authentication failed. docsBpiCmTEKInvalids read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CM has receiveda TEK Invalid message, including a message whose authentication failed. docsBpiCmTEKAuthPends read-only current The value of this object is the count of times an AuthorizationPending (Auth Pend) event occurred in this FSM. docsBpiCmTEKKeyRejectErrorCode read-only current The value of this object is the enumerated description of theError-Code in most recent Key Reject message received by the CM. Thishas value unknown(2) if the last Error-Code value was 0, and none(1)if no Key Reject message has been received since reboot. docsBpiCmTEKKeyRejectErrorString read-only current The value of this object is the Display-String in most recent KeyReject message received by the CM. This is a zero length string if noKey Reject message has been received since reboot. docsBpiCmTEKInvalidErrorCode read-only current The value of this object is the enumerated description of theError-Code in most recent TEK Invalid message received by the CM.This has value unknown(2) if the last Error-Code value was 0, andnone(1) if no TEK Invalid message has been received since reboot. docsBpiCmTEKInvalidErrorString read-only current The value of this object is the Display-String in most recent TEKInvalid message received by the CM. This is a zero length string ifno TEK Invalid message has been received since reboot. docsBpiCmtsBaseTable not-accessible current This table describes the basic Baseline Privacy attributes of eachCMTS MAC interface. docsBpiCmtsBaseEntry not-accessible current Each entry contains objects describing attributes of one CMTS MACinterface. An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with anifType of docsCableMaclayer(127). docsBpiCmtsDefaultAuthLifetime read-write current The value of this object is the default lifetime, in seconds, theCMTS assigns to a new authorization key. docsBpiCmtsDefaultTEKLifetime read-write current The value of this object is the default lifetime, in seconds, theCMTS assigns to a new Traffic Encryption Key (TEK). docsBpiCmtsDefaultAuthGraceTime read-write obsolete This object was obsoleted because the provisioning system, not the CMTS,manages the authorization key grace time for DOCSIS CMs. docsBpiCmtsDefaultTEKGraceTime read-write obsolete This object was obsoleted because the provisioning system, not the CMTS,manages the Traffic Encryption Key (TEK) grace time for DOCSIS CMs. docsBpiCmtsAuthRequests read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CMTS hasreceived an Authorization Request message from any CM. docsBpiCmtsAuthReplies read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CMTS hastransmitted an Authorization Reply message to any CM. docsBpiCmtsAuthRejects read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CMTS hastransmitted an Authorization Reject message to any CM. docsBpiCmtsAuthInvalids read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CMTS hastransmitted an Authorization Invalid message to any CM. docsBpiCmtsAuthTable not-accessible current This table describes the attributes of each CM authorizationassociation. The CMTS maintains one authorization association witheach Baseline Privacy-enabled CM on each CMTS MAC interface. docsBpiCmtsAuthEntry not-accessible current Each entry contains objects describing attributes of oneauthorization association. The CMTS MUST create one entry per CM perMAC interface, based on the receipt of an Authorization Requestmessage, and MUST not delete the entry before the CM authorizationpermanently expires. docsBpiCmtsAuthCmMacAddress not-accessible current The value of this object is the physical address of the CM towhich the authorization association applies. docsBpiCmtsAuthCmPublicKey read-only current The value of this object is a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey ASN.1 typestring, as defined in the RSA Encryption Standard (PKCS #1) [22],corresponding to the public key of the CM. The 74, 106, 140, and270 byte key encoding lengths correspond to 512 bit, 768 bit, 1024bit, and 2048 public moduli respectively. This is a zero-lengthstring if the CMTS does not retain the public key. docsBpiCmtsAuthCmKeySequenceNumber read-only current The value of this object is the authorization key sequence numberfor this CM. docsBpiCmtsAuthCmExpires read-only current The value of this object is the actual clock time when the currentauthorization for this CM expires. If this CM does not have anactive authorization, then the value is of the expiration date andtime of the last active authorization. docsBpiCmtsAuthCmLifetime read-write current The value of this object is the lifetime, in seconds, the CMTSassigns to an authorization key for this CM. docsBpiCmtsAuthCmGraceTime read-only current The value of this object is the grace time for the authorization keyin seconds. The CM is expected to start trying to get a newauthorization key beginning AuthGraceTime seconds before theauthorization key actually expires. docsBpiCmtsAuthCmReset read-write current Setting this object to invalidateAuth(2) causes the CMTS toinvalidate the current CM authorization key, but not to transmit anAuthorization Invalid message nor to invalidate unicast TEKs. Settingthis object to sendAuthInvalid(3) causes the CMTS to invalidate thecurrent CM authorization key, and to transmit an Authorization Invalidmessage to the CM, but not to invalidate unicast TEKs. Setting thisobject to invalidateTeks(4) causes the CMTS to invalidate the currentCM authorization key, to transmit an Authorization Invalid message tothe CM, and to invalidate all unicast TEKs associated with this CMauthorization. Reading this object returns the most-recently-set valueof this object, or returns noResetRequested(1) if the object has notbeen set since the last CMTS reboot. docsBpiCmtsAuthCmRequests read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CMTS hasreceived an Authorization Request message from this CM. docsBpiCmtsAuthCmReplies read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CMTS hastransmitted an Authorization Reply message to this CM. docsBpiCmtsAuthCmRejects read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CMTS hastransmitted an Authorization Reject message to this CM. docsBpiCmtsAuthCmInvalids read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CMTS hastransmitted an Authorization Invalid message to this CM. docsBpiCmtsAuthRejectErrorCode read-only current The value of this object is the enumerated description of theError-Code in most recent Authorization Reject message transmitted tothe CM. This has value unknown(2) if the last Error-Code value was0, and none(1) if no Authorization Reject message has been transmittedto the CM. docsBpiCmtsAuthRejectErrorString read-only current The value of this object is the Display-String in most recentAuthorization Reject message transmitted to the CM. This is azero length string if no Authorization Reject message has beentransmitted to the CM. docsBpiCmtsAuthInvalidErrorCode read-only current The value of this object is the enumerated description of theError-Code in most recent Authorization Invalid message transmittedto the CM. This has value unknown(2) if the last Error-Code value was0, and none(1) if no Authorization Invalid message has beentransmitted to the CM. docsBpiCmtsAuthInvalidErrorString read-only current The value of this object is the Display-String in most recentAuthorization Invalid message transmitted to the CM. This is azero length string if no Authorization Invalid message has beentransmitted to the CM. docsBpiCmtsTEKTable not-accessible current This table describes the attributes of each CM Traffic EncryptionKey (TEK) association. The CMTS maintains one TEK association per BPISID on each CMTS MAC interface. docsBpiCmtsTEKEntry not-accessible current Each entry contains objects describing attributes of one TEKassociation on a particular CMTS MAC interface. The CMTS MUST createone entry per SID per MAC interface, based on the receipt of anKey Request message, and MUST not delete the entry before the CMauthorization for the SID permanently expires. docsBpiCmtsTEKLifetime read-write current The value of this object is the lifetime, in seconds, the CMTS assignsto keys for this TEK association. docsBpiCmtsTEKGraceTime read-only current The value of this object is the grace time for the TEK in seconds.The CM is expected to start trying to get a new TEK beginningTEKGraceTime seconds before the TEK actually expires. docsBpiCmtsTEKExpiresOld read-only current The value of this object is the actual clock time for expirationof the immediate predecessor of the most recent TEK for this FSM.If this FSM has only one TEK, then the value is the time of activationof this FSM. docsBpiCmtsTEKExpiresNew read-only current The value of this object is the actual clock time for expirationof the most recent TEK for this FSM. docsBpiCmtsTEKReset read-write current Setting this object to TRUE causes the CMTS to invalidate the currentactive TEK(s) (plural due to key transition periods), and to generatea new TEK for the associated SID; the CMTS MAY also generate anunsolicited TEK Invalid message, to optimize the TEK synchronizationbetween the CMTS and the CM. Reading this object always returnsFALSE. docsBpiCmtsKeyRequests read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CMTS hasreceived a Key Request message. docsBpiCmtsKeyReplies read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CMTS hastransmitted a Key Reply message. docsBpiCmtsKeyRejects read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CMTS hastransmitted a Key Reject message. docsBpiCmtsTEKInvalids read-only current The value of this object is the count of times the CMTS hastransmitted a TEK Invalid message. docsBpiCmtsKeyRejectErrorCode read-only current The value of this object is the enumerated description of theError-Code in the most recent Key Reject message sent in response toa Key Request for this BPI SID. This has value unknown(2) if the lastError-Code value was 0, and none(1) if no Key Reject message has beenreceived since reboot. docsBpiCmtsKeyRejectErrorString read-only current The value of this object is the Display-String in the most recentKey Reject message sent in response to a Key Request for this BPISID. This is a zero length string if no Key Reject message has beenreceived since reboot. docsBpiCmtsTEKInvalidErrorCode read-only current The value of this object is the enumerated description of theError-Code in the most recent TEK Invalid message sent in associationwith this BPI SID. This has value unknown(2) if the last Error-Codevalue was 0, and none(1) if no TEK Invalid message has been receivedsince reboot. docsBpiCmtsTEKInvalidErrorString read-only current The value of this object is the Display-String in the most recent TEKInvalid message sent in association with this BPI SID. This is a zerolength string if no TEK Invalid message has been received since reboot. docsBpiIpMulticastMapTable not-accessible current This table describes the mapping of IP multicast address prefixes tomulticast SIDs on each CMTS MAC interface. docsBpiIpMulticastMapEntry not-accessible current Each entry contains objects describing the mapping of one IPmulticast address prefix to one multicast SID on one CMTS MACinterface. The CMTS uses the mapping when forwarding downstream IPmulticast traffic. docsBpiIpMulticastAddress not-accessible current This object represents the IP multicast address (prefix) to bemapped by this row, in conjunction withdocsBpiIpMulticastPrefixLength. docsBpiIpMulticastPrefixLength not-accessible current This object represents the IP multicast address prefix lengthfor this row. The value of this object represents the length inbits of docsBpiIpMulticastAddress for multicast addresscomparisons, using big-endian ordering. An IP multicast addressmatches this row if the (docsBpiIpMulticastPrefixLength) mostsignificant bits of the IP multicast address and of the(docsBpiIpMulticastAddress) are identical.This object is similar in usage to an IP address mask. The value0 corresponds to IP address mask, the value 1 correspondsto IP address mask, the value 8 corresponds to IPaddress mask, and the value 32 corresponds to IPaddress mask docsBpiIpMulticastServiceId read-create current This object represents the multicast SID to be used in thisIP multicast address prefix mapping entry. docsBpiIpMulticastMapControl read-create current This object controls and reflects the IP multicast address prefixmapping entry. There is no restriction on the ability to change valuesin this row while the row is active. docsBpiMulticastAuthTable not-accessible current This table describes the multicast SID authorization for eachCM on each CMTS MAC interface. docsBpiMulticastAuthEntry not-accessible current Each entry contains objects describing the key authorization of onecable modem for one multicast SID for one CMTS MAC interface. docsBpiMulticastServiceId not-accessible current This object represents the multicast SID for authorization. docsBpiMulticastCmMacAddress not-accessible current This object represents the MAC address of the CM to which themulticast SID authorization applies. docsBpiMulticastAuthControl read-create current This object controls and reflects the CM authorization for eachmulticast SID. There is no restriction on the ability to changevalues in this row while the row is active. diffServDataPathTable not-accessible current The data path table contains RowPointers indicating the start ofthe functional data path for each interface and traffic directionin this device. These may merge, or be separated into paralleldata paths. diffServDataPathEntry not-accessible current An entry in the data path table indicates the start of a singleDifferentiated Services Functional Data Path in this device.These are associated with individual interfaces, logical orphysical, and therefore are instantiated by ifIndex. Therefore,the interface index must have been assigned, according to theprocedures applicable to that, before it can be meaningfullyused. Generally, this means that the interface must exist.When diffServDataPathStorage is of type nonVolatile, however,this may reflect the configuration for an interface whose ifIndexhas been assigned but for which the supporting implementation isnot currently present. diffServDataPathIfDirection not-accessible current IfDirection specifies whether the reception or transmission pathfor this interface is in view. diffServDataPathStart read-create current This selects the first Differentiated Services Functional DataPath Element to handle traffic for this data path. ThisRowPointer should point to an instance of one of:diffServClfrEntrydiffServMeterEntrydiffServActionEntrydiffServAlgDropEntrydiffServQEntryA value of zeroDotZero in this attribute indicates that noDifferentiated Services treatment is performed on traffic of thisdata path. A pointer with the value zeroDotZero normallyterminates a functional data path.Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results inan inconsistentValue error. If the row pointed to is removed orbecomes inactive by other means, the treatment is as if thisattribute contains a value of zeroDotZero. diffServDataPathStorage read-create current The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rowshaving the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to anycolumnar objects in the row. diffServDataPathStatus read-create current The status of this conceptual row. All writable objects in thisrow may be modified at any time. diffServClfrNextFree read-only current This object contains an unused value for diffServClfrId, or azero to indicate that none exist. diffServClfrTable not-accessible current This table enumerates all the diffserv classifier functionaldata path elements of this device.The actual classificationdefinitions are defined in diffServClfrElementTable entriesbelonging to each classifier.An entry in this table, pointed to by a RowPointer specifying aninstance of diffServClfrStatus, is frequently used as the namefor a set of classifier elements, which all use the indexdiffServClfrId. Per the semantics of the classifier elementtable, these entries constitute one or more unordered sets oftests which may be simultaneously applied to a message toclassify it.The primary function of this table is to ensure that the value ofdiffServClfrId is unique before attempting to use it in creatinga diffServClfrElementEntry. Therefore, the diffServClfrEntry mustbe created on the same SET as the diffServClfrElementEntry, orbefore the diffServClfrElementEntry is created. diffServClfrEntry not-accessible current An entry in the classifier table describes a single classifier.All classifier elements belonging to the same classifier use theclassifier's diffServClfrId as part of their index. diffServClfrId not-accessible current An index that enumerates the classifier entries. Managersshould obtain new values for row creation in this table byreading diffServClfrNextFree. diffServClfrStorage read-create current The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rowshaving the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to anycolumnar objects in the row. diffServClfrStatus read-create current The status of this conceptual row. All writable objects in thisrow may be modified at any time. Setting this variable to'destroy' when the MIB contains one or more RowPointers pointingto it results in destruction being delayed until the row is nolonger used. diffServClfrElementNextFree read-only current This object contains an unused value for diffServClfrElementId,or a zero to indicate that none exist. diffServClfrElementTable not-accessible current The classifier element table enumerates the relationship betweenclassification patterns and subsequent downstream DifferentiatedServices Functional Data Path elements.diffServClfrElementSpecific points to a filter that specifies theclassification parameters. A classifier may use filter tables ofdifferent types together.One example of a filter table defined in this MIB isdiffServMultiFieldClfrTable, for IP Multi-Field Classifiers(MFCs). Such an entry might identify anything from a singlemicro-flow (an identifiable sub-session packet stream directedfrom one sending transport to the receiving transport ortransports), or aggregates of those such as the traffic from ahost, traffic for an application, or traffic between two hostsusing an application and a given DSCP. The standard BehaviorAggregate used in the Differentiated Services Architecture isencoded as a degenerate case of such an aggregate - the trafficusing a particular DSCP value.Filter tables for other filter types may be defined elsewhere. diffServClfrElementEntry not-accessible current An entry in the classifier element table describes a singleelement of the classifier. diffServClfrElementId not-accessible current An index that enumerates the Classifier Element entries.Managers obtain new values for row creation in this table byreading diffServClfrElementNextFree. diffServClfrElementPrecedence read-create current The relative order in which classifier elements are applied:higher numbers represent classifier element with higherprecedence. Classifier elements with the same order must beunambiguous i.e. they must define non-overlapping patterns, andare considered to be applied simultaneously to the trafficstream. Classifier elements with different order may overlap intheir filters: the classifier element with the highest orderthat matches is taken.On a given interface, there must be a complete classifier inplace at all times in the ingress direction. This means one ormore filters must match any possible pattern. There is no suchrequirement in the egress direction. diffServClfrElementNext read-create current This attribute provides one branch of the fan-out functionalityof a classifier described in the Informal Differentiated ServicesModel section 4.1.This selects the next Differentiated Services Functional DataPath Element to handle traffic for this data path. ThisRowPointer should point to an instance of one of:diffServClfrEntrydiffServMeterEntrydiffServActionEntrydiffServAlgDropEntrydiffServQEntryA value of zeroDotZero in this attribute indicates no furtherDifferentiated Services treatment is performed on traffic of thisdata path. The use of zeroDotZero is the normal usage for thelast functional data path element of the current data path.Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results inan inconsistentValue error. If the row pointed to is removed orbecomes inactive by other means, the treatment is as if thisattribute contains a value of zeroDotZero. diffServClfrElementSpecific read-create current A pointer to a valid entry in another table, filter table, thatdescribes the applicable classification parameters, e.g. an entryin diffServMultiFieldClfrTable.The value zeroDotZero is interpreted to match anything notmatched by another classifier element - only one such entry mayexist for each classifier.Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results inan inconsistentValue error. If the row pointed to is removed orbecomes inactive by other means, the element is ignored. diffServClfrElementStorage read-create current The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rowshaving the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to anycolumnar objects in the row. diffServClfrElementStatus read-create current The status of this conceptual row. All writable objects in thisrow may be modified at any time. Setting this variable to'destroy' when the MIB contains one or more RowPointers pointingto it results in destruction being delayed until the row is nolonger used. diffServMultiFieldClfrNextFree read-only current This object contains an unused value fordiffServMultiFieldClfrId, or a zero to indicate that none exist. diffServMultiFieldClfrTable not-accessible current A table of IP Multi-field Classifier filter entries that asystem may use to identify IP traffic. diffServMultiFieldClfrEntry not-accessible current An IP Multi-field Classifier entry describes a single filter. diffServMultiFieldClfrId not-accessible current An index that enumerates the MultiField Classifier filterentries. Managers obtain new values for row creation in thistable by reading diffServMultiFieldClfrNextFree. diffServMultiFieldClfrAddrType read-create current The type of IP address used by this classifier entry. Whileother types of addresses are defined in the InetAddressTypetextual convention, and DNS names, a classifier can only look atpackets on the wire. Therefore, this object is limited to IPv4and IPv6 addresses. diffServMultiFieldClfrDstAddr read-create current The IP address to match against the packet's destination IPaddress. This may not be a DNS name, but may be an IPv4 or IPv6prefix. diffServMultiFieldClfrDstPrefixLength indicates thenumber of bits that are relevant. diffServMultiFieldClfrDstPrefixLength read-create current The length of the CIDR Prefix carried indiffServMultiFieldClfrDstAddr. In IPv4 addresses, a length of 0indicates a match of any address; a length of 32 indicates amatch of a single host address, and a length between 0 and 32indicates the use of a CIDR Prefix. IPv6 is similar, except thatprefix lengths range from 0..128. diffServMultiFieldClfrSrcAddr read-create current The IP address to match against the packet's source IP address.This may not be a DNS name, but may be an IPv4 or IPv6 prefix.diffServMultiFieldClfrSrcPrefixLength indicates the number ofbits that are relevant. diffServMultiFieldClfrSrcPrefixLength read-create current The length of the CIDR Prefix carried indiffServMultiFieldClfrSrcAddr. In IPv4 addresses, a length of 0indicates a match of any address; a length of 32 indicates amatch of a single host address, and a length between 0 and 32indicates the use of a CIDR Prefix. IPv6 is similar, except thatprefix lengths range from 0..128. diffServMultiFieldClfrDscp read-create current The value that the DSCP in the packet must have to match thisentry. A value of -1 indicates that a specific DSCP value has notbeen defined and thus all DSCP values are considered a match. diffServMultiFieldClfrFlowId read-create current The flow identifier in an IPv6 header. diffServMultiFieldClfrProtocol read-create current The IP protocol to match against the IPv4 protocol number or theIPv6 Next- Header number in the packet. A value of 255 meansmatch all. Note the protocol number of 255 is reserved by IANA,and Next-Header number of 0 is used in IPv6. diffServMultiFieldClfrDstL4PortMin read-create current The minimum value that the layer-4 destination port number inthe packet must have in order to match this classifier entry. diffServMultiFieldClfrDstL4PortMax read-create current The maximum value that the layer-4 destination port number inthe packet must have in order to match this classifier entry.This value must be equal to or greater than the value specifiedfor this entry in diffServMultiFieldClfrDstL4PortMin. diffServMultiFieldClfrSrcL4PortMin read-create current The minimum value that the layer-4 source port number in thepacket must have in order to match this classifier entry. diffServMultiFieldClfrSrcL4PortMax read-create current The maximum value that the layer-4 source port number in thepacket must have in order to match this classifier entry. Thisvalue must be equal to or greater than the value specified forthis entry in diffServMultiFieldClfrSrcL4PortMin. diffServMultiFieldClfrStorage read-create current The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rowshaving the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to anycolumnar objects in the row. diffServMultiFieldClfrStatus read-create current The status of this conceptual row. All writable objects in thisrow may be modified at any time. Setting this variable to'destroy' when the MIB contains one or more RowPointers pointingto it results in destruction being delayed until the row is nolonger used. diffServMeterNextFree read-only current This object contains an unused value for diffServMeterId, or azero to indicate that none exist. diffServMeterTable not-accessible current This table enumerates specific meters that a system may use topolice a stream of traffic. The traffic stream to be metered isdetermined by the Differentiated Services Functional Data PathElement(s) upstream of the meter i.e. by the object(s) that pointto each entry in this table. This may include all traffic on aninterface.Specific meter details are to be found in table entry referencedby diffServMeterSpecific. diffServMeterEntry not-accessible current An entry in the meter table describes a single conformance levelof a meter. diffServMeterId not-accessible current An index that enumerates the Meter entries. Managers obtain newvalues for row creation in this table by readingdiffServMeterNextFree. diffServMeterSucceedNext read-create current If the traffic does conform, this selects the nextDifferentiated Services Functional Data Path element to handletraffic for this data path. This RowPointer should point to aninstance of one of:diffServClfrEntrydiffServMeterEntrydiffServActionEntrydiffServAlgDropEntrydiffServQEntryA value of zeroDotZero in this attribute indicates that nofurther Differentiated Services treatment is performed on trafficof this data path. The use of zeroDotZero is the normal usage forthe last functional data path element of the current data path.Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results inan inconsistentValue error. If the row pointed to is removed orbecomes inactive by other means, the treatment is as if thisattribute contains a value of zeroDotZero. diffServMeterFailNext read-create current If the traffic does not conform, this selects the nextDifferentiated Services Functional Data Path element to handletraffic for this data path. This RowPointer should point to aninstance of one of:diffServClfrEntrydiffServMeterEntrydiffServActionEntrydiffServAlgDropEntrydiffServQEntryA value of zeroDotZero in this attribute indicates no furtherDifferentiated Services treatment is performed on traffic of thisdata path. The use of zeroDotZero is the normal usage for thelast functional data path element of the current data path.Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results inan inconsistentValue error. If the row pointed to is removed orbecomes inactive by other means, the treatment is as if thisattribute contains a value of zeroDotZero. diffServMeterSpecific read-create current This indicates the behavior of the meter by pointing to an entrycontaining detailed parameters. Note that entries in thatspecific table must be managed explicitly.For example, diffServMeterSpecific may point to an entry indiffServTBParamTable, which contains an instance of a single setof Token Bucket parameters.Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results inan inconsistentValue error. If the row pointed to is removed orbecomes inactive by other means, the meter always succeeds. diffServMeterStorage read-create current The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rowshaving the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to anycolumnar objects in the row. diffServMeterStatus read-create current The status of this conceptual row. All writable objects in thisrow may be modified at any time. Setting this variable to'destroy' when the MIB contains one or more RowPointers pointingto it results in destruction being delayed until the row is nolonger used. diffServTBParamNextFree read-only current This object contains an unused value for diffServTBParamId, or azero to indicate that none exist. diffServTBParamTable not-accessible current This table enumerates a single set of token bucket meterparameters that a system may use to police a stream of traffic.Such meters are modeled here as having a single rate and a singleburst size. Multiple entries are used when multiple rates/burstsizes are needed. diffServTBParamEntry not-accessible current An entry that describes a single set of token bucketparameters. diffServTBParamId not-accessible current An index that enumerates the Token Bucket Parameter entries.Managers obtain new values for row creation in this table byreading diffServTBParamNextFree. diffServTBParamType read-create current The Metering algorithm associated with the Token Bucketparameters. zeroDotZero indicates this is unknown.Standard values for generic algorithms:diffServTBParamSimpleTokenBucket, diffServTBParamAvgRate,diffServTBParamSrTCMBlind, diffServTBParamSrTCMAware,diffServTBParamTrTCMBlind, diffServTBParamTrTCMAware, anddiffServTBParamTswTCM are specified in this MIB as OBJECT-IDENTITYs; additional values may be further specified in otherMIBs. diffServTBParamRate read-create current The token-bucket rate, in kilobits per second (kbps). Thisattribute is used for:1. CIR in RFC 2697 for srTCM2. CIR and PIR in RFC 2698 for trTCM3. CTR and PTR in RFC 2859 for TSWTCM4. AverageRate in RFC 3290. diffServTBParamBurstSize read-create current The maximum number of bytes in a single transmission burst. Thisattribute is used for:1. CBS and EBS in RFC 2697 for srTCM2. CBS and PBS in RFC 2698 for trTCM3. Burst Size in RFC 3290. diffServTBParamInterval read-create current The time interval used with the token bucket. For:1. Average Rate Meter, the Informal Differentiated Services Modelsection 5.2.1, - Delta.2. Simple Token Bucket Meter, the Informal DifferentiatedServices Model section 5.1, - time interval t.3. RFC 2859 TSWTCM, - AVG_INTERVAL.4. RFC 2697 srTCM, RFC 2698 trTCM, - token bucket update timeinterval. diffServTBParamStorage read-create current The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rowshaving the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to anycolumnar objects in the row. diffServTBParamStatus read-create current The status of this conceptual row. All writable objects in thisrow may be modified at any time. Setting this variable to'destroy' when the MIB contains one or more RowPointers pointingto it results in destruction being delayed until the row is nolonger used. diffServActionNextFree read-only current This object contains an unused value for diffServActionId, or azero to indicate that none exist. diffServActionTable not-accessible current The Action Table enumerates actions that can be performed to astream of traffic. Multiple actions can be concatenated. Forexample, traffic exiting from a meter may be counted, marked, andpotentially dropped before entering a queue.Specific actions are indicated by diffServActionSpecific whichpoints to an entry of a specific action type parameterizing theaction in detail. diffServActionEntry not-accessible current Each entry in the action table allows description of onespecific action to be applied to traffic. diffServActionId not-accessible current An index that enumerates the Action entries. Managers obtainnew values for row creation in this table by readingdiffServActionNextFree. diffServActionInterface read-create current The interface index (value of ifIndex) that this action occurson. This may be derived from the diffServDataPathStartEntry'sindex by extension through the various RowPointers. However, asthis may be difficult for a network management station, it isplaced here as well. If this is indeterminate, the value iszero.This is of especial relevance when reporting the counters whichmay apply to traffic crossing an interface:diffServCountActOctets,diffServCountActPkts,diffServAlgDropOctets,diffServAlgDropPkts,diffServAlgRandomDropOctets, anddiffServAlgRandomDropPkts.It is also especially relevant to the queue and scheduler whichmay be subsequently applied. diffServActionNext read-create current This selects the next Differentiated Services Functional DataPath Element to handle traffic for this data path. ThisRowPointer should point to an instance of one of:diffServClfrEntrydiffServMeterEntrydiffServActionEntrydiffServAlgDropEntrydiffServQEntryA value of zeroDotZero in this attribute indicates no furtherDifferentiated Services treatment is performed on traffic of thisdata path. The use of zeroDotZero is the normal usage for thelast functional data path element of the current data path.Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results inan inconsistentValue error. If the row pointed to is removed orbecomes inactive by other means, the treatment is as if thisattribute contains a value of zeroDotZero. diffServActionSpecific read-create current A pointer to an object instance providing additional informationfor the type of action indicated by this action table entry.For the standard actions defined by this MIB module, this shouldpoint to either a diffServDscpMarkActEntry or adiffServCountActEntry. For other actions, it may point to anobject instance defined in some other MIB.Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results inan inconsistentValue error. If the row pointed to is removed orbecomes inactive by other means, the Meter should be treated asif it were not present. This may lead to incorrect policybehavior. diffServActionStorage read-create current The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rowshaving the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to anycolumnar objects in the row. diffServActionStatus read-create current The status of this conceptual row. All writable objects in thisrow may be modified at any time. Setting this variable to'destroy' when the MIB contains one or more RowPointers pointingto it results in destruction being delayed until the row is nolonger used. diffServDscpMarkActTable not-accessible current This table enumerates specific DSCPs used for marking orremarking the DSCP field of IP packets. The entries of this tablemay be referenced by a diffServActionSpecific attribute. diffServDscpMarkActEntry not-accessible current An entry in the DSCP mark action table that describes a singleDSCP used for marking. diffServDscpMarkActDscp read-only current The DSCP that this Action will store into the DSCP field of thesubject. It is quite possible that the only packets subject tothis Action are already marked with this DSCP. Note also thatDifferentiated Services processing may result in packet beingmarked on both ingress to a network and on egress from it, andthat ingress and egress can occur in the same router. diffServCountActNextFree read-only current This object contains an unused value fordiffServCountActId, or a zero to indicate that none exist. diffServCountActTable not-accessible current This table contains counters for all the traffic passing throughan action element. diffServCountActEntry not-accessible current An entry in the count action table describes a single set oftraffic counters. diffServCountActId not-accessible current An index that enumerates the Count Action entries. Managersobtain new values for row creation in this table by readingdiffServCountActNextFree. diffServCountActOctets read-only current The number of octets at the Action data path element.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system and at other times asindicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime on therelevant interface. diffServCountActPkts read-only current The number of packets at the Action data path element.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system and at other times asindicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime on therelevant interface. diffServCountActStorage read-create current The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rowshaving the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to anycolumnar objects in the row. diffServCountActStatus read-create current The status of this conceptual row. All writable objects in thisrow may be modified at any time. Setting this variable to'destroy' when the MIB contains one or more RowPointers pointingto it results in destruction being delayed until the row is nolonger used. diffServAlgDropNextFree read-only current This object contains an unused value for diffServAlgDropId, or azero to indicate that none exist. diffServAlgDropTable not-accessible current The algorithmic drop table contains entries describing anelement that drops packets according to some algorithm. diffServAlgDropEntry not-accessible current An entry describes a process that drops packets according tosome algorithm. Further details of the algorithm type are to befound in diffServAlgDropType and with more detail parameter entrypointed to by diffServAlgDropSpecific when necessary. diffServAlgDropId not-accessible current An index that enumerates the Algorithmic Dropper entries.Managers obtain new values for row creation in this table byreading diffServAlgDropNextFree. diffServAlgDropType read-create current The type of algorithm used by this dropper. The value other(1)requires further specification in some other MIB module.In the tailDrop(2) algorithm, diffServAlgDropQThresholdrepresents the maximum depth of the queue, pointed to bydiffServAlgDropQMeasure, beyond which all newly arriving packetswill be dropped.In the headDrop(3) algorithm, if a packet arrives when thecurrent depth of the queue, pointed to bydiffServAlgDropQMeasure, is at diffServAlgDropQThreshold, packetscurrently at the head of the queue are dropped to make room forthe new packet to be enqueued at the tail of the queue.In the randomDrop(4) algorithm, on packet arrival, an ActiveQueue Management algorithm is executed which may randomly drop apacket. This algorithm may be proprietary, and it may drop eitherthe arriving packet or another packet in the queue.diffServAlgDropSpecific points to a diffServRandomDropEntry thatdescribes the algorithm. For this algorithm,diffServAlgDropQThreshold is understood to be the absolutemaximum size of the queue and additional parameters are describedin diffServRandomDropTable.The alwaysDrop(5) algorithm is as its name specifies; alwaysdrop. In this case, the other configuration values in this Entryare not meaningful; There is no useful 'next' processing step,there is no queue, and parameters describing the queue are notuseful. Therefore, diffServAlgDropNext, diffServAlgDropMeasure,and diffServAlgDropSpecific are all zeroDotZero. diffServAlgDropNext read-create current This selects the next Differentiated Services Functional DataPath Element to handle traffic for this data path. ThisRowPointer should point to an instance of one of:diffServClfrEntrydiffServMeterEntrydiffServActionEntrydiffServQEntryA value of zeroDotZero in this attribute indicates no furtherDifferentiated Services treatment is performed on traffic of thisdata path. The use of zeroDotZero is the normal usage for thelast functional data path element of the current data path.When diffServAlgDropType is alwaysDrop(5), this object isignored.Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results inan inconsistentValue error. If the row pointed to is removed orbecomes inactive by other means, the treatment is as if thisattribute contains a value of zeroDotZero. diffServAlgDropQMeasure read-create current Points to an entry in the diffServQTable to indicate the queuethat a drop algorithm is to monitor when deciding whether to dropa packet. If the row pointed to does not exist, the algorithmicdropper element is considered inactive.Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results inan inconsistentValue error. If the row pointed to is removed orbecomes inactive by other means, the treatment is as if thisattribute contains a value of zeroDotZero. diffServAlgDropQThreshold read-create current A threshold on the depth in bytes of the queue being measured atwhich a trigger is generated to the dropping algorithm, unlessdiffServAlgDropType is alwaysDrop(5) where this object isignored.For the tailDrop(2) or headDrop(3) algorithms, this representsthe depth of the queue, pointed to by diffServAlgDropQMeasure, atwhich the drop action will take place. Other algorithms will needto define their own semantics for this threshold. diffServAlgDropSpecific read-create current Points to a table entry that provides further detail regarding adrop algorithm.Entries with diffServAlgDropType equal to other(1) may have thispoint to a table defined in another MIB module.Entries with diffServAlgDropType equal to randomDrop(4) must havethis point to an entry in diffServRandomDropTable.For all other algorithms specified in this MIB, this should takethe value zeroDotZero.The diffServAlgDropType is authoritative for the type of the dropalgorithm and the specific parameters for the drop algorithmneeds to be evaluated based on the diffServAlgDropType.Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results inan inconsistentValue error. If the row pointed to is removed orbecomes inactive by other means, the treatment is as if thisattribute contains a value of zeroDotZero. diffServAlgDropOctets read-only current The number of octets that have been deterministically dropped bythis drop process.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system and at other times asindicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime on therelevant interface. diffServAlgDropPkts read-only current The number of packets that have been deterministically droppedby this drop process.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system and at other times asindicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime on therelevant interface. diffServAlgRandomDropOctets read-only current The number of octets that have been randomly dropped by thisdrop process. This counter applies, therefore, only to randomdroppers.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system and at other times asindicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime on therelevant interface. diffServAlgRandomDropPkts read-only current The number of packets that have been randomly dropped by thisdrop process. This counter applies, therefore, only to randomdroppers.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system and at other times asindicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime on therelevant interface. diffServAlgDropStorage read-create current The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rowshaving the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to anycolumnar objects in the row. diffServAlgDropStatus read-create current The status of this conceptual row. All writable objects in thisrow may be modified at any time. Setting this variable to'destroy' when the MIB contains one or more RowPointers pointingto it results in destruction being delayed until the row is nolonger used. diffServRandomDropNextFree read-only current This object contains an unused value for diffServRandomDropId,or a zero to indicate that none exist. diffServRandomDropTable not-accessible current The random drop table contains entries describing a process thatdrops packets randomly. Entries in this table are pointed to bydiffServAlgDropSpecific. diffServRandomDropEntry not-accessible current An entry describes a process that drops packets according to arandom algorithm. diffServRandomDropId not-accessible current An index that enumerates the Random Drop entries. Managersobtain new values for row creation in this table by readingdiffServRandomDropNextFree. diffServRandomDropMinThreshBytes read-create current The average queue depth in bytes, beyond which traffic has anon-zero probability of being dropped. Changes in this variablemay or may not be reflected in the reported value ofdiffServRandomDropMinThreshPkts. diffServRandomDropMinThreshPkts read-create current The average queue depth in packets, beyond which traffic has anon-zero probability of being dropped. Changes in this variablemay or may not be reflected in the reported value ofdiffServRandomDropMinThreshBytes. diffServRandomDropMaxThreshBytes read-create current The average queue depth beyond which traffic has a probabilityindicated by diffServRandomDropProbMax of being dropped ormarked. Note that this differs from the physical queue limit,which is stored in diffServAlgDropQThreshold. Changes in thisvariable may or may not be reflected in the reported value ofdiffServRandomDropMaxThreshPkts. diffServRandomDropMaxThreshPkts read-create current The average queue depth beyond which traffic has a probabilityindicated by diffServRandomDropProbMax of being dropped ormarked. Note that this differs from the physical queue limit,which is stored in diffServAlgDropQThreshold. Changes in thisvariable may or may not be reflected in the reported value ofdiffServRandomDropMaxThreshBytes. diffServRandomDropProbMax read-create current The worst case random drop probability, expressed in drops perthousand packets.For example, if in the worst case every arriving packet may bedropped (100%) for a period, this has the value 1000.Alternatively, if in the worst case only one percent (1%) oftraffic may be dropped, it has the value 10. diffServRandomDropWeight read-create current The weighting of past history in affecting the ExponentiallyWeighted Moving Average function that calculates the currentaverage queue depth. The equation usesdiffServRandomDropWeight/65536 as the coefficient for the newsample in the equation, and (65536 -diffServRandomDropWeight)/65536 as the coefficient of the oldvalue.Implementations may limit the values of diffServRandomDropWeightto a subset of the possible range of values, such as powers oftwo. Doing this would facilitate implementation of theExponentially Weighted Moving Average using shift instructions orregisters. diffServRandomDropSamplingRate read-create current The number of times per second the queue is sampled for queueaverage calculation. A value of zero is used to mean that thequeue is sampled approximately each time a packet is enqueued (ordequeued). diffServRandomDropStorage read-create current The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rowshaving the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to anycolumnar objects in the row. diffServRandomDropStatus read-create current The status of this conceptual row. All writable objects in thisrow may be modified at any time. Setting this variable to'destroy' when the MIB contains one or more RowPointers pointingto it results in destruction being delayed until the row is nolonger used. diffServQNextFree read-only current This object contains an unused value for diffServQId, or a zeroto indicate that none exist. diffServQTable not-accessible current The Queue Table enumerates the individual queues. Note that theMIB models queuing systems as composed of individual queues, oneper class of traffic, even though they may in fact be structuredas classes of traffic scheduled using a common calendar queue, orin other ways. diffServQEntry not-accessible current An entry in the Queue Table describes a single queue or class oftraffic. diffServQId not-accessible current An index that enumerates the Queue entries. Managers obtain newvalues for row creation in this table by readingdiffServQNextFree. diffServQNext read-create current This selects the next Differentiated Services Scheduler. TheRowPointer must point to a diffServSchedulerEntry.A value of zeroDotZero in this attribute indicates an incompletediffServQEntry instance. In such a case, the entry has nooperational effect, since it has no parameters to give itmeaning.Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results inan inconsistentValue error. If the row pointed to is removed orbecomes inactive by other means, the treatment is as if thisattribute contains a value of zeroDotZero. diffServQMinRate read-create current This RowPointer indicates the diffServMinRateEntry that thescheduler, pointed to by diffServQNext, should use to servicethis queue.If the row pointed to is zeroDotZero, the minimum rate andpriority is unspecified.Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results inan inconsistentValue error. If the row pointed to is removed orbecomes inactive by other means, the treatment is as if thisattribute contains a value of zeroDotZero. diffServQMaxRate read-create current This RowPointer indicates the diffServMaxRateEntry that thescheduler, pointed to by diffServQNext, should use to servicethis queue.If the row pointed to is zeroDotZero, the maximum rate is theline speed of the interface.Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results inan inconsistentValue error. If the row pointed to is removed orbecomes inactive by other means, the treatment is as if thisattribute contains a value of zeroDotZero. diffServQStorage read-create current The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rowshaving the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to anycolumnar objects in the row. diffServQStatus read-create current The status of this conceptual row. All writable objects in thisrow may be modified at any time. Setting this variable to'destroy' when the MIB contains one or more RowPointers pointingto it results in destruction being delayed until the row is nolonger used. diffServSchedulerNextFree read-only current This object contains an unused value for diffServSchedulerId, ora zero to indicate that none exist. diffServSchedulerTable not-accessible current The Scheduler Table enumerates packet schedulers. Multiplescheduling algorithms can be used on a given data path, with eachalgorithm described by one diffServSchedulerEntry. diffServSchedulerEntry not-accessible current An entry in the Scheduler Table describing a single instance ofa scheduling algorithm. diffServSchedulerId not-accessible current An index that enumerates the Scheduler entries. Managers obtainnew values for row creation in this table by readingdiffServSchedulerNextFree. diffServSchedulerNext read-create current This selects the next Differentiated Services Functional DataPath Element to handle traffic for this data path. This normallyis null (zeroDotZero), or points to a diffServSchedulerEntry or adiffServQEntry.However, this RowPointer may also point to an instance of:diffServClfrEntry,diffServMeterEntry,diffServActionEntry,diffServAlgDropEntry.It would point another diffServSchedulerEntry when implementingmultiple scheduler methods for the same data path, such as havingone set of queues scheduled by WRR and that group participatingin a priority scheduling system in which other queues competewith it in that way. It might also point to a second schedulerin a hierarchical scheduling system.If the row pointed to is zeroDotZero, no further DifferentiatedServices treatment is performed on traffic of this data path.Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results inan inconsistentValue error. If the row pointed to is removed orbecomes inactive by other means, the treatment is as if thisattribute contains a value of zeroDotZero. diffServSchedulerMethod read-create current The scheduling algorithm used by this Scheduler. zeroDotZeroindicates that this is unknown. Standard values for genericalgorithms: diffServSchedulerPriority, diffServSchedulerWRR, anddiffServSchedulerWFQ are specified in this MIB; additional valuesmay be further specified in other MIBs. diffServSchedulerMinRate read-create current This RowPointer indicates the entry in diffServMinRateTablewhich indicates the priority or minimum output rate from thisscheduler. This attribute is used only when there is more thanone level of scheduler.When it has the value zeroDotZero, it indicates that no minimumrate or priority is imposed.Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results inan inconsistentValue error. If the row pointed to is removed orbecomes inactive by other means, the treatment is as if thisattribute contains a value of zeroDotZero. diffServSchedulerMaxRate read-create current This RowPointer indicates the entry in diffServMaxRateTablewhich indicates the maximum output rate from this scheduler.When more than one maximum rate applies (eg, when a multi-rateshaper is in view), it points to the first of those rate entries.This attribute is used only when there is more than one level ofscheduler.When it has the value zeroDotZero, it indicates that no maximumrate is imposed.Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results inan inconsistentValue error. If the row pointed to is removed orbecomes inactive by other means, the treatment is as if thisattribute contains a value of zeroDotZero. diffServSchedulerStorage read-create current The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rowshaving the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to anycolumnar objects in the row. diffServSchedulerStatus read-create current The status of this conceptual row. All writable objects in thisrow may be modified at any time. Setting this variable to'destroy' when the MIB contains one or more RowPointers pointingto it results in destruction being delayed until the row is nolonger used. diffServMinRateNextFree read-only current This object contains an unused value for diffServMinRateId, or azero to indicate that none exist. diffServMinRateTable not-accessible current The Minimum Rate Parameters Table enumerates individual sets ofscheduling parameter that can be used/reused by Queues andSchedulers. diffServMinRateEntry not-accessible current An entry in the Minimum Rate Parameters Table describes a singleset of scheduling parameters for use by one or more queues orschedulers. diffServMinRateId not-accessible current An index that enumerates the Scheduler Parameter entries.Managers obtain new values for row creation in this table byreading diffServMinRateNextFree. diffServMinRatePriority read-create current The priority of this input to the associated scheduler, relativeto the scheduler's other inputs. A queue or scheduler with alarger numeric value will be served before another with a smallernumeric value. diffServMinRateAbsolute read-create current The minimum absolute rate, in kilobits/sec, that a downstreamscheduler element should allocate to this queue. If the value iszero, then there is effectively no minimum rate guarantee. If thevalue is non-zero, the scheduler will assure the servicing ofthis queue to at least this rate.Note that this attribute value and that ofdiffServMinRateRelative are coupled: changes to one will affectthe value of the other. They are linked by the followingequation, in that setting one will change the other:diffServMinRateRelative =(diffServMinRateAbsolute*1000000)/ifSpeedor, if appropriate:diffServMinRateRelative = diffServMinRateAbsolute/ifHighSpeed diffServMinRateRelative read-create current The minimum rate that a downstream scheduler element shouldallocate to this queue, relative to the maximum rate of theinterface as reported by ifSpeed or ifHighSpeed, in units of1/1000 of 1. If the value is zero, then there is effectively nominimum rate guarantee. If the value is non-zero, the schedulerwill assure the servicing of this queue to at least this rate.Note that this attribute value and that ofdiffServMinRateAbsolute are coupled: changes to one will affectthe value of the other. They are linked by the followingequation, in that setting one will change the other:diffServMinRateRelative =(diffServMinRateAbsolute*1000000)/ifSpeedor, if appropriate:diffServMinRateRelative = diffServMinRateAbsolute/ifHighSpeed diffServMinRateStorage read-create current The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rowshaving the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to anycolumnar objects in the row. diffServMinRateStatus read-create current The status of this conceptual row. All writable objects in thisrow may be modified at any time. Setting this variable to'destroy' when the MIB contains one or more RowPointers pointingto it results in destruction being delayed until the row is nolonger used. diffServMaxRateNextFree read-only current This object contains an unused value for diffServMaxRateId, or azero to indicate that none exist. diffServMaxRateTable not-accessible current The Maximum Rate Parameter Table enumerates individual sets ofscheduling parameter that can be used/reused by Queues andSchedulers. diffServMaxRateEntry not-accessible current An entry in the Maximum Rate Parameter Table describes a singleset of scheduling parameters for use by one or more queues orschedulers. diffServMaxRateId not-accessible current An index that enumerates the Maximum Rate Parameter entries.Managers obtain new values for row creation in this table byreading diffServMaxRateNextFree. diffServMaxRateLevel not-accessible current An index that indicates which level of a multi-rate shaper isbeing given its parameters. A multi-rate shaper has some numberof rate levels. Frame Relay's dual rate specification refers to a'committed' and an 'excess' rate; ATM's dual rate specificationrefers to a 'mean' and a 'peak' rate. This table is generalizedto support an arbitrary number of rates. The committed or meanrate is level 1, the peak rate (if any) is the highest level rateconfigured, and if there are other rates they are distributed inmonotonically increasing order between them. diffServMaxRateAbsolute read-create current The maximum rate in kilobits/sec that a downstream schedulerelement should allocate to this queue. If the value is zero, thenthere is effectively no maximum rate limit and that the schedulershould attempt to be work conserving for this queue. If the valueis non-zero, the scheduler will limit the servicing of this queueto, at most, this rate in a non-work-conserving manner.Note that this attribute value and that ofdiffServMaxRateRelative are coupled: changes to one will affectthe value of the other. They are linked by the followingequation, in that setting one will change the other:diffServMaxRateRelative =(diffServMaxRateAbsolute*1000000)/ifSpeedor, if appropriate:diffServMaxRateRelative = diffServMaxRateAbsolute/ifHighSpeed diffServMaxRateRelative read-create current The maximum rate that a downstream scheduler element shouldallocate to this queue, relative to the maximum rate of theinterface as reported by ifSpeed or ifHighSpeed, in units of1/1000 of 1. If the value is zero, then there is effectively nomaximum rate limit and the scheduler should attempt to be workconserving for this queue. If the value is non-zero, thescheduler will limit the servicing of this queue to, at most,this rate in a non-work-conserving manner.Note that this attribute value and that ofdiffServMaxRateAbsolute are coupled: changes to one will affectthe value of the other. They are linked by the followingequation, in that setting one will change the other:diffServMaxRateRelative =(diffServMaxRateAbsolute*1000000)/ifSpeedor, if appropriate:diffServMaxRateRelative = diffServMaxRateAbsolute/ifHighSpeed diffServMaxRateThreshold read-create current The number of bytes of queue depth at which the rate of amulti-rate scheduler will increase to the next output rate. Inthe last conceptual row for such a shaper, this threshold isignored and by convention is zero. diffServMaxRateStorage read-create current The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rowshaving the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to anycolumnar objects in the row. diffServMaxRateStatus read-create current The status of this conceptual row. All writable objects in thisrow may be modified at any time. Setting this variable to'destroy' when the MIB contains one or more RowPointers pointingto it results in destruction being delayed until the row is nolonger used. docsTestCapability read-only current Indicates the ability of this device to support theprogrammable features identified by the TYPE field fromthe CM/CMTS TLV table in [17].Each octet within this octet string represents eight tests.For example, the first octet represents tests one through eight(with the msb representing test one) as identified by the TYPEfield. docsTestStatus read-only current Indicates the current operating status of tests initiatedthrough the docsTestSetupObjects. The octet representation isidentical to that used by docsTestCapability. A bit representationof one indicates that a test is currently active, while zeroindicates the test is inactive or has completed. docsTestType read-write current Corresponds to the TYPE field from the CM/CMTS TLV Tablein [17]. The default value of zero indicatesno test has yet been initiated.A WrongValueError should be returned in response to a writerequest for a test not supported by the device. A read requestwill return the docsTestType value last successfully written,whether that test is active or inactive. docsTestData read-write current Corresponds to the LENGTH and VALUE fields from the CM/CMTS TLVTable in [17]. A read request will return thedocsTestData value last successfully written, whether that testis active or inactive. docsTestEnable read-write current Used to initiate or stop the tests setup through the docsTestTypeand docsTestData objects.A CommitFailedError should be returned in response to a TRUEWrite request if the values in docsTestType and docsTestData areincompatible, or a test could not be initiated for any otherreason. usbNumber read-only current The number of ports regardless of their current state in the usb general port table usbPortTable not-accessible current A list of port entries. The number of entries is given by the valueusbNumber. usbPortEntry not-accessible current Status and parameter values for the USB port. usbPortIndex read-only current The unique identifier of the USB port hardware. By conventionand if possible, hardware port numbers map directly to external connectors. usbPortType read-only current The type of the USB port usbPortRate read-only current The USB port rate that could be low-speed(1) for 1.5 Mbps, full-speed(2) for 12Mbps or high-speed(3) for USB 2.0 usbDeviceTable not-accessible current A list of USB device ports. Usually the device has only oneUSB device port usbDeviceEntry not-accessible current Status and parameter values for the USB device port. usbDeviceIndex read-only current The index is identical to usbPortIndex for the correspondent USB port usbDevicePower read-only current the way USB device port is powered usbDeviceVendorID read-only current The USB device port vendor HEX-formatted string as it is provided to the USB host by the USB device usbDeviceProductID read-only current The product ID HEX-formatted string as it is provided to the USB host by the USB device usbDeviceNumberConfigurations read-only current The total number of configurations the USB port supports. Device port should support at least one configuration usbDeviceActiveClass read-only current This object returns USB Device Class type of the active configuration usbDeviceStatus read-only current Current status of the USB device state machine usbDeviceEnumCounter read-only current Total number reconnections (enumerations) since device isoperational usbDeviceRemoteWakeup read-only current If set to true(1), the device supports Remote Wakeup function.If set to false(2), the device doesn't support it usbDeviceRemoteWakeupOn read-only current If set to true(1), the remote wakeup function is activated by the host.If set to false(2), remote wakeup function is not active. usbCDCTable not-accessible current A list of Communication Device Class (CDC) interfaces supported by the USB device. It could be more then one CDC interface for the device that expose more then one interface to the network usbCDCEntry not-accessible current Status and parameter values for CDC device usbCDCIndex read-only current The index is identical to usbPortIndex for the correspondent USB port usbCDCIfIndex read-only current The variable uniquely identifies the interface index which this CDC device is representing usbCDCSubclass read-only current Subclass used in data transfer in Communication Device Class usbCDCVersion read-only current String that describes the version of Communication DeviceClass in HEX format (Major, Minor) usbCDCDataTransferType read-only current Type of data transfer for Data Class Interface used by the Communication Device. Isochronious mode is used for synchronous(1) and bulk transfer modeis used for asynchronous(2) usbCDCDataEndpoints read-only current Number of the data endpoints (IN and OUT) used by the Communication Device.If the networking device is in default interface setting, there are are nodata endpoints and no traffic is exchanged. Under the normal operation thereshould be 2 Data Endpoints (one IN and one OUT) for the networking device.For the multichannel model this number could be larger then 2 usbCDCStalls read-only current Total number of times USB Data interface recovered fromstall since re-initialization and while the port state was 'up' or 'test'. usbCDCEtherTable not-accessible current A list of Communication Device Class (CDC) USB devices that support Ethernet Networking Control Model. usbCDCEtherEntry not-accessible current Status and parameter values for CDC devices that support Ethernet Networking Control Model usbCDCEtherIndex read-only current The index is identical to usbPortIndex for the correspondent USB port usbCDCEtherIfIndex read-only current The variable uniquely identifies the interface index to which this CDC device is connected usbCDCEtherMacAddress read-only current The 48bit MAC address that is provided by USB CDC device to the host. Thisaddress will be used as the source address of Ethernet frames sent by the hostover the particular CDC interface. usbCDCEtherPacketFilter read-only current Bitmap indicates the host requirements to the USB device to perform Ethernet packetfiltering of the particular type frames directed to the host usbCDCEtherDataStatisticsCapabilities read-only current Bitmap indicates the ability to collect Ethernet statistics of different types as itprovided in Ethernet Networking Functional Descriptor. If the particularbit is set, the device could provide the corresponding statistics counter to the host usbCDCEtherDataCheckErrs read-only current Total number of frames with an invalid frame checksequence, input from the USB Data interface since systemre-initialization and while the port state was 'up'or 'test'.